Who is a sexy woman?
It is said that woman is the weakness of a man. This concept has been explained time and again, but we could not find out the exact and complete meaning of this concept. Woman gives to the man sexual satisfaction which is the prime need of the man could be one explanation, but at the same time, woman has also got sex hunger and she too wants a man to give her sexual satisfaction.
Most of the people from the literature side had been trying to find out suitable words for appreciating the beauty, gait, voice, sexy points on body, her behaviour and some other things and most part of literature had been taken over by the woman and no literary document is not complete till woman is there in that document and till woman is plays an important role in that literary document. All words relating to beauty have been attached with this woman and as and when this man wanted to satisfy his sex, he located a woman and at times this man had been found traveling beyond marriage bonds. This man had been visiting his keeps, his dancing girls, his call girls and even he had been found visiting prostitutes. The beauty of woman had been attracting him and as and when he had been having a look on a beautiful woman, he started enjoying her beauty in his heart of heart and we must admit that this man commits many sins, crimes and misconducts in his heart of heart and no man on earth can claim that he is pure.
All woman are sexy and they want to look sexy and they want that they could attract the man. Even then there are some points on which we can concentrate and those points are given below:
(1) She must be neat and clean and she must wear on neat and clean clothes as per fashion prevalent in the society in which she lives.
(2) She must have a charming face, charming eyes, charming nose, charming ears, charming sweet lips and above all her teeth must be clean and white.
(3) She must have long hair and well dressed as per norms in the society to which she belongs.
(4) She must have a long neck duly decorated.
(5) She must have a deep, wide eyes and must have a look on the man who is standing before her.
(6) She must have round breasts and must be well kept in the brasseries. She must know that she shall have to keep some parts naked and the man must be allowed to imagine what type of and of what size her breasts are in those rounds.
(7) She must have a slim waist full of elasticity, flexibility and when she presents before the man, her breast should come out first because this man is always attracted towards breasts and that is the reason most of the people busy in fashion industry are busy in preparing new and attractive brasseries and the people who are tailoring shirts for the women are also busy in having such cuts so that a major part of the breast could be visible and could attract the man.
(8) The woman must have a smiling face and she should not be of peevish and sulky nature. Men like women who are not grumpy and surly.
(9) Men want that the women in the social gatherings or in the market should be well prepared and if they can have sleeveless shirts, men shall like to have a look on such women. They should apply a latest perfume and when they pass through men, they must try to show that they have good breast and that part is well kept update.
(10) Her arms must be well built, must be clean, her hand must be well built and be clean and her nails should also be clean and well decorated as per the clothes she is wearing on. Similarly her hips must be round and her feet should be clean and well kept.
(11) She must ensure that all the body parts which are kept naked those are well presented while she is out in the market.
(12) She must have the power of attracting the man on whom she could have a look and the man should become helpless and must follow her as per her desires.
(13) But still the last advice to the woman must be there that she may become a show while in the market, but she should not allow others to approach her and she must be available only to her own man and she must give him complete satisfaction so that he should not be able to go astray.
(14) Beauty could be maintained only if all appreciate the woman and therefore, she must see that her behaviour towards all with whom she has contacts must be cordial and friendly and if she has got bad relations, no body on earth shall love her. Even her own man shall enjoy her beauty and sex if she has got good relations with him. Our good habits, our sweet voice, our good behaviour, our good relations and our good character all shall add to our beauty and all these items shall add to the sex present in us.
So these are some of the points which a woman may keep in her mind and she shall become the dream queen of her husband or her man.
About the Author:Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/advice-articles/who-is-a-sexy-woman-465232.html
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