OK, you've been single for a while now and you've decided that it's time for you to hook up with a woman now. This might be you. You might have been in a long relationship lasting for a few years that you can't remember how to play the game. You've forgotten how to dress nicely, what things to say, and where to go to find a woman. We have all experienced this anxiety but don't worry I can help you gain your confidence again. There is one thing from a woman that you need to pay attention to. That is her body language. If you can read her body language, then you have cut down a good amount of work to hook up with this girl.
The first thing you can read from her body language is her eyes. If there is a girl that you like, look at her and wait till she looks at you. Don't look away. If she keeps looking at you, acknowledge her then look away. Look at her again. Try to notice if she keeps looking your way every few seconds. Obviously, if she keeps looking at you, she likes what she sees. Try to meet eyes again and when you do, smile at her and look away. This should start to build your confidence. You've read her eye contact and you know she likes you because she's looked your way several times now. Good job.
The second thing you can read from her body language is her body position towards you. Let's say you made the eye contact and you conclude that she likes you. You go up to her and begin conversation: "Hi there, my name is Jeff. I really like your shoes." Next, try to notice her body position towards you. When she replies, try to see if her shoulders are square to yours, meaning her front is facing your front. This is a good sign because her body language is saying that she is open to you. She is not crossing her arms or her shoulders are not turned away from you. She is comfortable with you. Good job.
Another thing you can read from her body language is that if she makes physical contact with you. While in conversation, she may touch your arm or place her hand on your chest. The physical contact is a very natural move for the woman and she might not even realize she is doing it. This is a good sign. You must be aware when she touches you because that means she is into you. For example, let's say you're talking to this woman that you like. You say something to her that makes her laugh. She might lean into you, or put her head on your shoulder, or grab your arm. You're making her really comfortable. Realize this and then you can go deeper into the relationship with this girl.
So, we have found out that if we single guys read a woman's body language we can conclude if that woman is really into us. We can take a look at the woman's eyes if she keeps looking our way. We can see that in conversation, if the woman's body position is square with ours, then she is interested in us. Lastly, if the woman makes any physical contact with us like touching our arm or leaning into our body then she is comfortable with us. So next time you're out there looking for a woman, remember to read her body language!
My name is Elvin de Lima. I'm from Vancouver, Canada. Come check out my other related articles at: For Single Men
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elvin_De_Lima
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