By Jean Pettit
Men spend a lot of time worrying about what a woman says. But communication is not just about her words; her body does a lot of talking, too. In fact, scientists believe that the vast majority of human communication is accomplished non-verbally. In one study, psychologists observed 52 unique movements that women make in social settings! Therefore, the more you understand subtle body movements, the more clues you'll have to understanding what a woman is thinking. For starters, consider the following bits of body language.
1) How is she using her arms? She might be smoothing her skirt or pants. This is an unconscious way of making sure she looks her best. Or she might be fiddling with a pen or straw. This is a clue that she's nervous and interested. And if she holds her hand to her chest, she's probably touched by something you've just done or said. Way to go!
However, if her arms are folded across her chest, then she's taking a defensive posture. Folded arms indicate closing one's self off. If you see this sort of language, you might not bother approaching her. If you're already engaged in conversation, try moving to a less prying subject.
2) How is she using her legs? Think of legs as an arrow. If she's facing you squarely, her body is indicating interest. If she's turned sideways, she could be wanting to leave!
3) What about her eyes? If a girl or woman is interested in you, she'll focus on you as you speak. On the other hand, if her eyes are darting about the room, she's likely looking for an exit strategy.
4) Is she touching her hair? Even as pre-teens, young women master the art of hair-flipping. A girl who is attracted you will often rake her fingers through her hair or engage in the occasional flipping of hair over her shoulder. She wants you to notice her!
By paying attention to body language, you'll have many more clues as to what a woman is thinking. If she shows signs of disinterest, try another conversational topic, or consider moving on to someone else. But if you've got a combination of open arms, legs pointing toward you, eye contact, and some hair twirling, then her body is saying that you look like a good catch.
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