Today I am going to talk to you about one of the most delicate, revered and honored creation of the creator –The Woman. For some, she is mother, for others she may be sister, to someone she is wife and to yet another one she may be a concubine or prostitute and what not. At all the places, it is the woman who had different name, relation and situation depending up on her position with other male or female member in the house or society.
Readers will not disagree that Indian society is the only society which admire, revere and worship their women in one or the other form before undertaking any new work in the house but some vicious people do disrespect this most pious creation of god for personal greed, lust and sex. Let me bring out a few interpretations of god while creating woman. The Eve of Adam was created with a specific aim as companion. The simple saying that a man is incomplete without a woman is not wrong. It was not because of the lust or sex were prime entity of attraction for her but passion, sympathy, care and tender heart of woman were the true cause of her honor. She, due to sheer inheritance of power tolerance by birth is considered as loving.
Today, I am going to discuss with you about various problems, threats and worries of a common woman in future materialistic society. I would also make an endeavour to touch up on her strengths and weaknesses, urges and desires including fashion and style of leading her life. Why women are now days passing through the most crucial phase of insecurity about their lives and future in the word is worth searching an answer. Who is responsible for their plight and insecurity is none else but themselves. When a woman ventured out side her house in the past, she was looked up on with respect but today, baring a few most of the men looks are lusty towards them. Why? You will be surprised to know that the form of human is that of God himself that is why most of the saints linked their form of existence with God like son, servant and disciples and so on. He created Human similar to his own existence that is why every human is revered as God by a large number of Saints. When shape of human is like God then why there is hatred towards one another?
The woman of substance or opportunity is your perception. A woman who exposes her body, gets involved in extra marital relationship and wants to reach the zenith of sexual adventure is viewed differently in western world and Asia. The liberty of woman has been misunderstood by one and all. A large number of Indian women who tried to copy the lifestyles of their western models had ultimately landed themselves in trouble or isolation. Why, a woman was considered pious because she was giving birth to God’s own creation. She was considered delicate, passionate and tender heart because she had to bear and suffer the trauma of child birth. Every time a woman had successfully delivered a baby, she was considered to have been re-born. Old Hindu epics had given a woman very high and noble place in their society but today, these values are being violated at every where. She was considered the wealth of a house hold.
Where have the values of past gone in modern world? Why a woman is being viewed differently than what our epics preach? Various woman organizations have worsen the position of woman from revered to mere another human being. While trying to analyze about losing social status of woman, I came across stunning facts from my clientele of survey. Over 75% people including women themselves believed that vulgarity and nudity in the film media has become real cause of their degradation. The attractive body part exposing dressing codes did not give freedom to woman but had certainly made her an sex object in the eyes of have not.
I have identified three basic causes which resulted in decrease in honor of modern woman, one, body exposing dress codes; two, vulgar bed room style sexually luring songs and serials and three more emphasis on exposing body part of woman than talent in films. Over 16 cases of rapes which I have analyzed, I found that every time the victim was a minor girl and the offender had committed offence after seeing sexually stimulating orgasm scene in films a few hours or a day prior. Why Western society is crumbling because most of the so-called women of substances are nothing else but either porno film heroines or body exposing women who wanted fame and wealth.
During my interaction with a large number of women, I have not come across any one of them who wanted to expose her body part to none else than their husband. If these are their basic values than what happens to 5% woman of substances. Though most of you would agree but I leave to others to express their views if disagree with my following findings. A few basic causes that have emerged in my survey degrading woman position are:
• Woman body exposing dress codes
• Too much vulgarity in films in the name of being liberal;
• Too much hype to crime against women in society;
• Use of body to earn livelihood
• Working women readiness to compromise to achieve position out of wedlock
• Increasing trends in extra marital affairs
• Sexually arousing bedroom scene;
• Readiness of toady’s woman to cross social barriers at will;
• Flesh trade for earning livelihood; and
• Compete as incompetent with compromising; and
• Follow wrong steps in the name of woman liberation.
Infact most of the people have agreed that woman is herself to be blamed for their
disrepute. I do not mean with above to confine woman in the four walls of the house but what I actually mean is the understanding of true meaning of liberalization by woman. A large number of women are suffering from Fear Psychosis Phenomenon of Sexual Threat
(FPPST). During an interview with a few working woman, I found that despite knowing well about their safety, most of them were always afraid in their heart while working alone with males. FPPST ratio amongst unmarried young women is over 90% and married women over 42%. They exhibited following signs during work:
• Always remain alert;
• Never stay alone with single male;
• Do not use world using toilet too frequently infront of other males;
• Always behave in unsuspicious manner of not being afraid; and
• Enter office late and leave early.
During my further interview, most of the women also believed that their body is pious because of her ability to give birth. They did not agree that sexual urge is the real cause of giving birth. They believed that motherhood is every woman’s sacred duty to achieve within social norms of society, otherwise animals are also reproducing. Most of them felt that disrespect to woman body is disrespect to God because of her ability to give birth.
A large number of females under the woman liberation banner had insulted their own body. Some became nude to earn million dollars and some became porno heroines to earn wealth. They used pious creation to fulfill their world materialistic needs beyond their reach and thus remained guilty till they died. The people who used their bodies outside social bonds have by and large contacted incurable disease and suffered till death. They used the body to meet and fulfill their sexual desires thereby making guilty in their own eyes. Only 10% of men and women are found to have gone for numerous life partners to enjoy sex but they could never be satisfied and returned with guilty conscious.
In my analysis five basic reasons which make a woman body pious have been elaborated that is one, she gives birth to reincarnation of God, two, she has tolerance, passion and pardoning traits by birth; three she is idol of love and sacrifice, four she has mother, sister and wife roles in society and five she is true reincarnation of God’s she wish herself. I leave it to readers to decide whether a woman's body is pious or not. Or shall woman uses her body as object of earning as asset or as idol of love and worship.
I, S Kalpna Sharma am a freelance journalist, who writes for the benefit of people. I have been regularly writing on various issues including the current menace of terrorism in the world. I feel pained due to emerging crime against women and increasing women's tendency to use their body as materialistic assets. I brought out my views on woman's pious body as such.
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