By TC Pepi
You are standing in a pub or in a mall or partying and an attractive woman happens to catch your eye. Your jaw drops to the floor and bright shiny star shaped objects start rotating around your head like rings around Saturn. Well, you are surely hooked, but how do you determine if the woman in your sights is interested in you too? For starters, start by reading her body language before you muster up enough courage to talk to her.
Even before you manage to talk to her, you might be able to catch subtle glances being thrown in your direction. You might notice her glancing frequently in your direction and then slowly looking away. If she does it only once and looks quickly away, then she obviously is not interested but if she keeps on looking at regular intervals and if her eyes linger on you a wee bit longer at every glance, then she is definitely into you. After checking if Tom Cruise or some other hunk is not standing directly behind you, get ready to make your first move.
Ask a common friend to introduce you to her and if that is not possible, then make the move yourself. If your intuition has been right then you need not worry. Observing the woman's body language now becomes imperative since you will also need to know if your first impression has been favorable and whether you can proceed to the next step. Even if you are with a group of friends while introducing yourself, you might notice the woman glancing shyly towards you and facing you most of the time. You can use the humor test to check out her feelings towards you. If she laughs at all your jokes including some pathetic ones, then consider it a positive sign. She might start flipping her hair more often and might also start to nervously play with the strands of her hair. She might also start fiddling with her earrings or any pendant around her neck while talking or listening to you.
A woman's stance will also reveal if she is interested in you. If she seems relaxed and continuously tilts towards you, then you are on the right track. She might also touch your arms lightly as she laughs at your jokes. On the other hand, if she stands with her hands folded across her chest and tilts backwards every time you tilt towards her, then the charm has surely worn off. It just might be time to climb off the moving train rather then get totally humiliated at the next station called rejection. On the other hand, if her fingers regularly fall on your arms at increasing intervals then she is definitely checking you out. Even as you tighten your biceps, triceps and every other muscle group in your arm, continue to observe her body language and mind your language as one misplaced sentence can spell doom to your budding relationship.
By concentrating on the woman's body language while appearing cool and relaxed at the same time, you can interpret the signals being thrown at you before and during your courtship. This will enable you to make the right moves without getting embarrassed or rejected in front of others. So, go out there, mingle and watch out for the woman of your dreams radiating favorable signals towards you like a flower beckon a bee.
T.C. Is A Guy who has had a great deal of success with women over the last 3 years. He is here to help Guys on the ways they Approach and Meet women as well as developing the Mindset and Confidence to make themselves better, more positive men so they can lead happy and prosperous lives Inside and out.
He will show the Techniques and Insider Secrets to meeting women visit.
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