Perimenopause is the natural process that precedes menopause, it is characterized by its discomforting symptoms, in this article we take a closer look at the symptoms of perimenopause.
What causes perimenopause symptoms? The symptoms associated with this process are caused by the unstable hormone levels that occur during this time. The symptoms can affect you on and off for up to ten years as the whole process of can last for this length of time, before the next phase known as menopause begins. How long a woman goes through this process is believed to depend on numerous factors, these include her general health, diet, prescription medications and genetic factors to name but a few.
When does perimenopause occur? It can affect women at different ages, it is possible for a woman to begin going through menopause in her early thirties. It normally starts of with a woman's periods becoming irregular. If a woman does start to suffer from the symptoms of perimenopause in her thirties, it is considered to be quite early.
So what are the symptoms? There are several symptoms that accompany this natural process. Two of the most common and discomforting symptoms are hot flashes and night sweats. During a womans body temperature suddenly rises and she may start sweating profusely. Night sweats are similar to hot flashes, however they occur during the night and can make it very difficult to get a good nights sleep.
Another symptom of menopause is restless leg syndrome, this is characterized by an itchy crawly sensation on the skin of the legs that makes the sufferer keep moving her legs. Evidently this is a horrible symptom of premenopause, and another one that disrupts sleep.
One of the symptoms most commonly associated with perimenopause and menopause are mood swings. These are caused by the declining levels of estrogen.
Other common symptoms include the thinning of hair, dizziness, temporary loss of balance, nausea and aching joints and muscles, unfortunately it doesn't stop there, the list goes on.
If you are coming up to the age where premenopause kicks in there is some good news. Some women suffer from very few of the symptoms and you may be one of the lucky ones.
What treatment options are available? Well as mentioned earlier the symptoms of perimenopause are believed to occur as result of the declining levels of estrogen, so most forms of treatment try to raise the levels of estrogen. The method of treatment one chooses depends on the individual. Some women take medication, whilst others undergo hormone therapy, a high percentage of women prefer to go the natural route because medication and hormone replacement therapy may have undesirable side effects. For example, HRT is believed to increase the risk of developing, alzheimer's, stroke, heart disease and breast cancer. This is due to the use of synthetic hormones. However if you speak to your doctor he or she will be able to recommend various treatment options.
This article looked at the symptoms of perimenopause, how it occurs, the symptoms and some of the treatment options.
For more information on menopause head over to where you can also find out about the mystery that is menopause night sweats and early menopause symptoms.
Article Source:
By Samuel Atkinson
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