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Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

How to Conceive a Daughter - Tips For Having a Baby Girl

If you are looking to increase the size of your family and would like to know how to conceive a daughter, there are various things you can do to increase the odds to have a baby girl.

There seems to be more and more people who are keen to influence conception in favor of having a particular sex. In days gone by, this never really seemed like an issue but in actual fact, probably just as many people then preferred a mix of boys and girls in a family rather than just having children of one sex. The reason it did not seem as important was because larger families were very much the "norm" and this naturally meant that there was a much better chance of having a mix of girls and boys. Nowadays though, with the average family consisting of just 2 or 3 children, the odds of this happening are greatly reduced.

For some people though, this will never be an issue and they are completely happy with their families of all boys. For others though, there remains a nagging, gnawing feeling that they really would love to conceive a daughter and would prefer to do everything possible to make this happen, thus not leaving such an important issue to chance. There is nothing wrong with giving nature a helping hand to naturally improve your chances to have a baby girl.

Whenever a baby is conceived, there is something which happens which determines whether or not the baby is a girl. Often, the sex of the baby can be down to the subtle interaction of a number of factors which make the female sperm "favored" on that particular occasion. Taking this a stage further, imagine if you could harness all those circumstances and make them happen when you are looking at how to conceive a daughter. By doing this you are increasing your own chances to have a baby girl.

The baby's gender is ultimately determined by the sperm although the conditions in the womans body can affect whether or not the male or female sperm is successful on any given occasion. Female sperm are longer living, much faster and larger than male sperm and prefer an acidic environment. Using this information, some simple ways to improve your chances of having a girl include:-

* Have intercourse a couple of days before ovulation. This will ensure that the male sperm will have perished by the time fertilization can take place and the slower, longer living female sperm will be waiting to fertilize the egg

* Avoid intercourse at the time of ovulation and a day or so either side as this favors male sperm

* Have intercourse in positions which have shallower penetration as this means that the sperm will be deposited nearer to the entrance of the vagina where conditions are more acidic, which favors female sperm

* Diet is also a factor, with some people believing that a protein and potassium rich diet can increase the chances of having a boy, whereas eating nuts, soya beans and leafy green vegetables, all of which are rich in magnesium, can improve the odds of having a girl. In addition, eating no more than the recommended daily intake of calories can help if you are trying to have a baby girl.

A quick internet search will reveal many natural ways to conceive a girl. However, using these in isolation may not give the baby girl you would love to have. However, a systematic approach which combines all possible tried and tested ways will give you the best chance.

I always recommend Rebecca Washburn's book as its principles are scientific rather than anecdotal. In it, she outlines the exact $450 gender clinic douche recipe which you can put together yourself. She also will give you precise dietary information and the details of the only days you should be having intercourse on and which positions you should be using to maximize the conception of a girl.

It is important to understand though that these feelings are completely natural and in no way detracts from the love you feel for your son or sons. It simply stems from a deep-rooted need to balance your family and wouldn't you prefer to have tried everything you could, rather than letting nature take its course and possibly be left for ever with that "what if" feeling?

To claim your free newsletter giving hints and tips about natural gender selection and to see Rebecca Washburn's tried and tested, 3 step comprehensive risk-free method of how to have a baby girl, which has proven to be 95% accurate, please visit How To Conceive A Daughter.

Article Source:

By Francesca Hopkins Platinum Quality Author

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