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Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Menopause Natural Therapies - Discover The Natural Therapies For Menopause That Work!

A lot of women stay away from medical treatment for menopause because of the undesirable side effects, for example hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer's and breast cancer. As a result these women have turned to menopause natural therapies. In this article we will look at some of these natural therapies.

Aromatherapy - this form of natural therapy involves the use of essential oils to treat menopause. These essential oils are extracted from plants and flowers. The oils can be administered directly on to the skin during a massage or they can be inhaled. Oils that are believed to be effective at treating the symptoms of menopause include clary sage, lavender and cypress amongst others.

Clary Sage - This oil is used as an anti- depressant, as a result it has a positive effect on mood swings, which is a common symptom of menopause.

Lavender - This oil is used to promote restful sleep, menopausal women find it very hard to get to sleep as result of their symptoms such as night sweats and restless leg syndrome, so this oil is very helpful.

Cypress - This oil is believed to have properties that reduce the occurrence of hot flashes.

Homeopathy - menopause natural therapy works by using remedies that encourage the body to heal itself. It is based on the belief that like can cure like, for example if you have an allergy, a treatment using ingredients that can cause that allergy are used to actually treat the allergy.

There are many homeopathic remedies that are specifically used to treat menopause naturally, and many women claim the remedies have helped them greatly during menopause. If this method of natural menopause therapies interests you, it is recommended that you are treated by a registered homeopath.

Foods that contain estrogen - Many of the symptoms of menopause are believed to occur as a result of the declining levels of estrogen, which is inevitable during menopause. Certain foods contain the plant version of estrogen which is known as phytoestrogen. When consumed phytoestrogens mimic the effect that estrogen has on a womans body. The effects are much milder than that of estrogen, however they may still relieve the symptoms of menopause. Foods that contain soy tend to be high in estrogens, herbs such as black cohosh are also rich in this substance.

This article looked at three types of menopause natural therapies, these include aromatherapy, homeopathy and consuming foods that contain phytoestrogen. If you are looking for a natural way to treat menopause one of these methods may be the one for you.

For more information on menopause head over to, where you can also find out about early menopause symptoms and hot flashes and menopause

Article Source:

By Samuel Atkinson

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