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Jumat, 03 April 2009
Hypnobirthing Memperlancar Persalinan
KETENANGAN ibu menjadi kunci penting saat proses melahirkan. Metode relaksasi hypnobirthing membantu melancarkan persalinan dan meminimalisasi rasa sakit.
Hamil dan melahirkan adalah anugerah yang luar biasa bagi wanita. Sayangnya, ibu hamil (bumil) kerap dihinggapi rasa takut dan cemas akan bayangan proses melahirkan yang sulit dan menyakitkan.
Lupakan segala mimpi buruk itu, karena proses persalinan sebetulnya tidak harus melalui rasa sakit yang menakutkan. Apalagi hingga menjerit-jerit.
Seorang bumil bisa saja melahirkan tanpa rasa sakit, atau dengan rasa sakit yang minimal. Salah satu cara yang ditawarkan adalah latihan relaksasi melalui teknik yang disebut hypnobirthing.
Metode itu berakar pada ilmu hipnosis dengan metode pendekatan kejiwaan yang memberi kesempatan untuk berkonsentrasi, fokus, dan rileks. Namun, tetap dengan kesadaran sepenuhnya.
Ahli hipnoterapi dari New Hampshire AS, Marie F Mongan sebagai orang yang pertama kali mengembangkan metode tersebut. Kemudian dipatenkan menjadi "hypnobirthing".
Intinya, prosedur hypnobirthing adalah memadukan self-hypnosis dan proses kelahiran alami. Ada proses penanaman sugesti positif ke alam bawah sadar, termasuk agar rasa sakit tidak muncul. Ingatlah bahwa semua sistem rasa dikendalikan di otak.
Jika alam bawah sadar sudah diprogram supaya tubuh tidak mengirim sinyal rasa sakit ke otak, rasa sakit pun tidak muncul. Namun, saat melakukannya, individu yang bersangkutan tetap dalam kondisi sadar.
Menurut ahli hipnoterapi klinis dari Pro V Clinic Jakarta, Lanny Kuswandi, relaksasi dengan hypnobirthing terutama ditujukan untuk kesehatan janin yang akan dilahirkan. Pasalnya, banyak pasien bumil melahirkan bayi dengan kondisi autis atau bahkan infeksi HIV. "Salah satu penyebabnya adalah proses kehamilan yang penuh tekanan atau stres," ungkap alumnus Sekolah Kebidanan St Carolus ini.
Hal utama dari hypnobirthing adalah ketenangan si ibu. Dengan terbiasanya ibu berlatih relaksasi, jalan lahir untuk janin akan lebih mudah terbuka sehingga proses persalinan tidak terlalu melelahkan. Kondisi rileks juga akan mendorong pengeluaran hormon endorphin atau yang kerap disebut hormon bahagia yang membantu menghilangkan rasa takut, tegang, dan kepanikan saat melahirkan.
"Latihan relaksasi bisa dimulai pada usia kehamilan berapa pun, bahkan sejak perencanaan kehamilan," katanya.
Pada tahap awal, bumil akan dipandu ahli hipnoterapi. Penanaman afirmasi dan sugesti ke alam bawah sadar bisa dilakukan dengan cara dan media apa pun. Misalnya, mendengarkan dan mengikuti ucapan hipnoterapis, latihan fokus dengan pendulum, teknik "memanjangkan tangan" hingga ke langit-langit, atau menggerakkan tangan dengan pikiran. Boleh juga dilakukan sambil berzikir.
"Setelah terbiasa, kita gampang melakukannya sendiri di rumah," kata Evariny Andriana, penulis buku Melahirkan Tanpa Rasa Sakit dengan Metode Relaksasi Hypnobirthing.
Manfaat yang dipetik dari latihan relaksasi, ungkapnya, tidak merasa sakit saat melahirkan putranya pada 25 Januari 2006 silam, hanya rasa mulas seperti nyeri haid.
article source:
Rabu, 01 April 2009
Hamil, Lebih Nyaman dengan Hypnobirthing
Untuk melewati proses itu, banyak hal yang perlu diperhatikan mulai dari kebutuhan fisik seperti gizi dan nutrisi hingga kebutuhan mental atau kejiwaan. Kedua kebutuhan ini harus seimbang karena berperan penting bagi setiap ibu saat melewati proses kehamilan hingga persalinan.
Satu hal yang adalah sering dilupakan tetapi sebenarnya sangat penting adalah ketenangan pikiran. Padahal, bila ketenangan jiwa dan pikiran tercapai, banyak keuntungan yang diperoleh ibu, mulai dari menghilangkan keluhan ringan seperti mual muntah dan pusing, mengurangi rasa sakit saat melahirkan, hingga pembentukan mental bayi sejak dalam kandungan.
Seperti diungkapkan clinical hypnoterapist dari ProV Clinic, Lanny Kuswandi, kondisi ketenangan pikiran pada prinsipnya menentukan kualitas kesehatan manusia di samping nutrisi. Pada ibu hamil, ketenangan pikiran juga memegang peran penting karena kondisi rileks akan memicu produksi endorfin sebagai anestesi alami yang akan menggantikan hormon pemicu rasa sakit (hormon stres).
"Endorfin itu sangat mempengaruhi ketenangan kita, sehingga bisa mengatasi rasa sakit saat persalinan. Pada masa awal kehamilan pun demikian. Memori bawah sadar kebanyakan orang menganggap hamil itu A, B, C, padahal kalau kita tenang tenang menghadapi perubahan hormonal, (keluhan) itu tidak akan menjadi masalah. Kita juga harus ingat bahwa di trimester pertama mulai pembentukan organ-organ penting," ungkap Lanny.
Untuk mencapai kondisi ketenangan pikiran, ada upaya yang bisa dilakukan para ibu yakni melakukan hypnobirthing. Istilah ini berasal dari kata hypno (dari hypnosis) dan birthing (melahirkan) yang berarti keterampilan untuk meningkatkan ketenangan pikiran guna mempersiapkan dan menjalani kehamilan hingga menghadapi persalinan dengan nyaman.
Menurut Lanny, ketenangan pikiran dirasakan juga oleh jani dalam kandungan. Hypnobirthing sebaiknya juga tidak hanya dilakukan oleh ibu saja melainkan juga dengan pasangan, karena persalinan merupakan perjalanan spiritual suami istri dan bayi.
Bentuk mental bayi
Selain membuat masa kehamilan lebih menyenangkan dan mengurangi rasa sakit saat persalinan, yang tak kalah penting dari manfaat hypnobirthing adalah membentuk mental bayi sejak dalam kandungan.
"Tujuan hypnobirthing bukan hanya melahirkan tanpa rasa sakit, tapi yang utama adalah bayi dalam kandungan. Satu kalimat yang saya pegang 'If you want to change the world, start to change a pregnant women," ungkap Lanny kepada beberapa waktu lalu.
Ia menambahkan, banyak bayi lahir normal secara fisik tetapi saat ini banyak orang tua mengeluhkan mental anaknya ketika tumbuh dewasa. "Mental ini sebenarnya bisa dibentuk sejak dalam kandungan. Bayi dalam kandungan mulai 12 minggu sudah dapat merekam apa yang dirasakan ibunya. Dan ketenangan kita akan sangat penting," terangnya.
Tercapainya kondisi rileks pada ibu, lanujut Lanny, akan membawa gelombang otak pada kondisi yang lebih tenang sehingga memungkinkan untuk berkomunikasi secara batin pada janin. Beberapa klien Lanny telah membuktikan bahwa bayi dalam kandungan ternyata dapat diminta menendang atau beraktifitas sesuai keinginan ibu hanya menggunakan kontak batin.
article source:
Senin, 30 Maret 2009
Melahirkan Kini Tak Sakit Lagi dengan Hypnobirthing
Menurut ilmu kedokteran, rasa nyeri merupakan suatu hubungan kompleks antara berbagai macam faktor fisik dan psikis. Rasa takut akan menghalangi proses persalinan karena ketika tubuh manusia mendapatkan sinyal rasa takut, tubuh akan mengaktifkan pusat siaga dan pertahanan. Akibatnya, pusat mengirimkan darah ke seluruh organ yang terlibat untuk suatu proses siaga (running or fighting process). Karena rahim bukan merupakan organ yang terlibat dalam proses siaga, rahim hanya mendapatkan sedikit aliran darah sehingga rahim mengalami kekurangan aliran darah. Oleh karenanya, dapat menghalangi proses persalinan dan meningkatkan rasa nyeri serta menyebabkan waktu melahirkan menjadi lebih panjang.
Sangat diperlukan kesiapan mental dan ketenangan batin oleh ibu-ibu yang akan melahirkan secara alami. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya hubungan antara stress psikis dengan kelahiran bayi prematur.
Hypnobirthing adalah suatu bentuk terapi alternatif yang secara holistik membantu ibu untuk rileks, tenang, dan tetap dalam keadaan sadar sepenuhnya. Hypnobirthing adalah salah satu cabang dari Hypnosis. Hypnosis telah diakui oleh WHO sebagai terapi alternatif di luar Ilmu Kedokteran Barat yang sah. Hypnobirthing dilakukan oleh ibu dan pasangannya dalam keadaan relaksasi mendalam. Setelah masuk dalam keadaan relaksasi mendalam, dilakukanlah suatu penanaman sugesti ke otak mengenai hal-hal positif saat proses persalinan, misalnya bahwa proses persalinan itu tidak menyakitkan. Pada praktiknya, sang ibu diajarkan untuk memasukkan kata-kata positif ke dalam dirinya. Sang suami juga diharapkan ikut menanamkan kata-kata positif kepada istrinya. Pada awalnya ibu akan dibantu oleh terapis dalam prosesnya, selanjutnya ibu tersebut bisa melakukannya sendiri atau dengan bersama suami di rumah. Hypnobirthing dapat juga dilakukan dengan alat bantu CD (Compact Disc) rekaman suara sugesti. Kelas hypnobirthing biasanya dilakukan dalam tiga kali pertemuan, sekali seminggu dalam waktu satu setengah jam. Seorang ibu dapat mulai mengikuti kelas ini pada usia kehamilan sedini mungkin, tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan kelas ini diikuti oleh ibu yang usia kehamilannya telah diatas enam bulan.
Sebelum diakui sebagai terapi alternatif, Ilmu Kedokteran Barat sangat mengandalkan penggunaan obat-obatan dalam menghilangkan rasa nyeri selama proses persalinan. Semua obat-obatan tersebut berdifusi melalui plasenta sehingga menyebabkan efek-efek negatif pada janin. Akan tetapi, dengan adanya hypnobirthing bukan berarti menggantikan seluruh peran obat. Obat-obatan tetaplah dapat dipakai terutama bagi ibu-ibu yang mengalami nyeri sangat kuat.
Prinsip dasar metode hypnobirthing:
1. Pikiran mempengaruhi seluruh tubuh. Segala sesuatu yang dilakukan tubuh ditentukan oleh pikiran. Oleh sebab itu ketika ditanamkan suatu pandangan bahwa proses persalinan adalah suatu proses alami yang tidak menyebabkan rasa nyeri sedemikian hebatnya, maka tubuh akan mengekspresikan hanya sedikit rasa nyeri saat persalinan.
2. Rasa nyeri menghalangi proses persalinan. (Ini telah dibahas pada bagian pertama)
3. Endorfin adalah pembunuh rasa nyeri alami yang terdapat dalam tubuh. Ini bisa dihasilkan ketika tubuh dalam keadaan relaksasi.
Keuntungan hypnobirthing:
• Kondisi tenang selama kehamilan akan direkam oleh janin dan membentuk kepribadian serta kecerdasan sejak di dalam rahim
• Mengurangi rasa mual, muntah, dan pusing
• Menciptakan keadaan yang seimbang sehingga pertumbuhan fisik dan psikis bayi lebih sehat
• Memperlancar jalannya proses persalinan dan meminimalkan rasa sakit
• Meningkatkan produksi ASI
• Dapat lebih mengontrol emosi dan perasaan
• Mencegah kelelahan yang berlebih saat proses persalinan
Dengan melihat penjelasan diatas dapat dinilai bahwa terapi hypnobirthing bisa dijadikan sebagai salah satu terapi alternatif sejak dalam masa kehamilan sedini mungkin. Selain keuntungan yang diperoleh ibu dan bayinya, penggunaan terapi hypnobirthing juga memiliki keuntungan dilihat dari segi keefektifan dan keefisienannya, yaitu lebih murah dan mudah dilakukan.
article source:
Minggu, 29 Maret 2009
Woman’s Alimentation During Pregnancy and Nursing
All these changes impose the decisions taking about how to help the maternal body to go through this period without health damages for the mother or child. The alimentation plays an important role in the structure of these measures.
Research concerning a pregnant woman’s metabolism showed that the nutritive needs increase in comparison to the needs of an adult woman who is not pregnant, especially during the second period of the pregnancy and during nursing.
The caloric needs increase in the first period of pregnancy with 5-10% and in the second part the caloric needs are up to 15-20% higher. During nursing, the increase may be of 30% or of 1000 calories more than at a non-pregnant adult-woman.
The proteins need of the pregnant woman is of 1,5- 2 g/kg/day or 100g/day during the first part of pregnancy, increasing to 120g in the last pregnancy trimester and 125 g during nursing. That is why 2/3 or at least half of them will have a high biological value, first of all out of milk, dairies above all, eggs, meat and fish.
A poor proteins quota can lead to pregnancy complications: anemia, eclampsia, edemas or some fetus deficiencies, premature birth, malformations as well as different deficient states of the fetus, a greater receptivity to diseases after birth and diminished callousness. Latter on, it can also influence the quality and the quantity of the milky secretion.
Vegetal proteins from the dry vegetables (bean, pea and lentil) should be avoided as they usually contain a high degree of cellulose which renders their digestion difficult and possible postprandial distention, endured with difficulty by the pregnant woman.
The quantity of the lipids should be low as they overtax the liver’s functions and favor the acidity. That is why a small quantity, of 90 g/day, should be consumed in the first period of the pregnancy and 110g/day during nursing. Half of them will be consumed by eating vegetables, the rest through animal fats, including the fats contained by the aliments.
The quantity of glucose should be of 5—6 g/kg/day or 350—420 g/day and can increase to 500 g a day during nursing, without excesses since they can lead to obesity and diabetes. One should eat more vegetables and fruits which bring vitamins and minerals or cereals and aliments from cereals, without exaggerating the pastries consumption.
During the pregnant and nursing, the need of mineral salts, calcium, phosphor and iron, in particular, increases and since it cannot be satisfied by the usual alimentation, one should consume aliments which contain them such as: milk, dairies, eggs, meat, liver, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, etc.
The calcium and phosphor need is of 1.5 g/day in comparison to de 0,8 g/day, for the adult, non-pregnant woman, during nursing can grow up to la 2 g/day. The iron need grows from 15—16 mg/day, the necessary for the adult non-pregnant woman, to 20 mg/day during pregnancy and to 25 mg/day during nursing.
As for the sodium quantity, it should be diminished, especially in the last period of pregnancy, as it favors the edemas which may provoke complications at birth.
The need of some vitamins is higher for the pregnant woman. Thus, the thiamin need increases to 2mg/ day during pregnancy instead of 1,5 mg/day in normal conditions and to 2,3—2,5 mg/day during nursing. The riboflavin need is of 2,5 mg/day during the pregnancy instead of 2 mg/day in normal conditions, and goes up to 3—3,2 mg/during nursing. The pyridoxine need is of 5 mg/day, the PP vitamin need grows from 14- 15mg/day to 18- 20mg/ day to the pregnant woman and to 24—25 mg/day to the nursing woman. Vitamin K need is of 0,5—1 mg/day for the pregnant woman, growing especially in the last period of the pregnancy, taking into account the blood loss during the birth process. The vitamin A need is of 6 000 U.I. for the pregnant woman and of 8 000 U.I. for the nursing woman, in comparison to 5 000 U.I. for the normal woman. The necessary quantity of vitamin D is of 400 U.I. for the pregnant woman and of 500—600 U.I. for the nursing woman. This can be provided by aliments (dairies) but also by sun exposure during summer. Vitamin E, necessary especially during pregnancy, as it favors the normal growth of the embryo, is necessary in quantities of 10—12 mg/day, being provided by the consumption of vegetal oil, eggs, meat, germinative cereals. Vitamin C, whose necessary quantity grows from 50—55 mg/day, the quantity for normal women, to 100 mg/ day for the pregnant woman and to 130 —150 mg/day for the nursing woman, will be provided through the consumption of fresh aliments of vegetal origin (fruits and green vegetables). Vitamins from the group B will be provided especially by bread, meat, milk, eggs, green vegetables, and the vitamin A by dairies, eggs, fish as well as some fresh vegetables which bring it as carotene, which will convert in organism in active vitamin.
All nutritive needs of the pregnant or nursing woman will be ensured by the consumption of the aliments from the main groups.
The quantity of meat and meat products consumed daily will be of 200—250 g/day, the milk quantity is 600- 1000ml/ day, the cheeses quantity should be around 50g/ day, and at least one egg everyday. The alimentary fats will be provided through: 20g butter a day, 20-25 g oil a day. Out of the aliments of vegetal origin, rye bread will be preferred (brings more vitamins and minerals and doesn’t provoke constipation) 250—350 g/day, 30- 40g/day pastries or other cereal products, 400—500 g/day vegetables and 250—300 g/day potatoes. The quantity of fruits can be of 350—400 g/day, fresh or stewed, cooked, and sugar daily quantity should be around 40—50 g/day.
Alimentation should be sufficient qualitative and quantitative, no excesses, it should vary and the aliments as fresh as possible. It is advisable to have frequent and reduced meals, especially in the first period of the pregnancy when the dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting) can affect nourishment. Avoid fatty, spicy, salty aliments, smoked meat, fish or meat preserves, alcohol and coffee. They usually irritate the digestive mucosa with hypersecretion of gastric juice. If endured, occasionally, are allowed small quantities of wine with soda or coffee, without making any excess or converting it into a rule.
Aliments with fried sauces or fried in fats, are not recommended for the pregnant or nursing woman.
The weight gain will be closely followed. It should be almost inexistent in the first months of pregnancy, than it will increase with 1.5 kg/month in the last 6 months, taking care that the weight gain won’t exceed 10 kg during the entire pregnancy.
During travail all kinds of aliments are forbidden. After birth should be consumed fortifying easily digestible and stimulant aliments: natural coffee, coffee with milk, vegetable sauce, meat sauce, eggs, fruit juices, etc. Starting with the third day after birth, the diet recommended for the nursing woman will start.
The nursing woman, beside the mentioned elements, should be aware that some of the substances can reach the milk, giving a bad taste or provoking digestive disorders to the baby, which is why they should be avoided. These are: onion, garlic, alcohol, which can also provoke nervosity, agitation, insomnia, explained by the excitability growth of the nervous system of the infant.
The pregnant woman as well as the nursing woman should respect a set of rules regarding the alimentation hygiene, absolutely necessary such as: respect the meals hours, a good repartition of calories for each meal… With respect to this aspect, we already mentioned that it is preferable to have more meals and less consistent, in order to be better assimilated by the body. Mastication will be lent and long. Avoid any kind of emotions during meals and take a postprandial pause.
Try, if possible, not to change the pregnant woman’s alimentary customs, if they aren’t too different from the rational alimentation limits. One won’t impose useless interdictions or excesses which can damage the nutritive factors contribution, such as salt diet or minerals and vitamins intake in excess.
Keep the optimal proportion between the nutritive factors as it has a positive influence over the absorption and their utilization.
If the pregnant woman presents nutritional disequilibrium, they will be taken into account, trying to correct them.
When the pregnant woman has a job which solicit her physically and psychically, the nutritive contribution will be adjust according to her need which surpass the usual values for a sedentary pregnant woman or for one who makes little effort.
It is also very important if the pregnant woman is an adolescent. Because of the growing needs from this period, the pregnant adolescent’s ratio will be increased in calories and nutritive factors, in order to cover the needs of the adolescent’s growing body.
Nutrition articlesand all informations that you need for a healthy life.
Article Source:
Author: cristi ion
Flirting - Body Language Tips For Men
1. Have Physical Contact with Your New Woman
One of the most important aspects of flirting is to be able to have physical contact with your new woman and have her enjoy it and want to do it back. Holding a woman's hand is one of the best ways to have physical contact. This is an excellent use of body language to show to your new woman that you really like her. If she is willing to hold your hand back, you definitely know she is interested in you also.
2. Make Her Laugh
Another important flirting body language technique and tip for men is to make the woman laugh as the last impression. Women love guys that can make them laugh and if you can make your new woman laugh, she will be keeping you for a very very long time. Laughter is an important part of any relationship and woman truly appreciate a guy that can make her laugh. It is one of the simplest flirting body language techniques, yet one of the most effective.
3. Text Messages
One of the best flirting mechanisms in today's society is being able to flirt via a text message. Text messaging is one of the best ways to flirt with women and the great part about text messaging is that you have plenty of time to come up with the perfect text message to say to that specific girl. You have plenty of time to think about what to say to make your woman smile. If you can get her smiling in a text message, you can get her smiling in person.
Again, flirting body language is an important way to show that special girl that you really care about them and like them. Using the right techniques is extremely important because using the wrong ones can turn your future girlfriend/wife away and cause you to lose them forever. Getting the woman you like to smile is one of the most important factors to any healthy relationship. If you can leave for the evening after the date with your new woman smiling, she is definitely going to want to go out on a second date with you. Remember, be yourself also. Don't try to be someone your not and if things get serious you are going to have to act like that the ENTIRE relationship. Your new woman might like the FAKE you and not the true you. It is best to be honest at all times while trying to keep a smile on your woman's face. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you have enjoyed this article!
Ready to learn flirting body language tips for men? These secret methods are specific for men and have been proven to work! Go to now!
Article Source:
Author: J. Rock
Dressing for Your Body Type
The “hourglass” body type: beautifully curvy. You have broad shoulders and/or a voluptuous chest, a smaller waist and gorgeous full hips.
· Style icon: Marilyn Monroe
· Style tips: Look for pieces that accentuate your curves and have a fitted waist. Fitted
· Clothing, Strait skirts and belted waists are best for you.
The “apple” body type: lovely limbs. You have thinner legs and arms, accompanied by fullness through the ribs and stomach.
· Style icon: Catherine Zeta-Jones
· Style tips: Look for clothing that accentuates your legs and arms.
· Clothing Loose-fitting waists, empire waists, short sleeves and knee-length skirts are best for you.
The “pear” body type: wonderous waist. You have a thin waist, narrow ribs and shoulders, with full, womanly hips.
· Style icon: Beyonce
· Style tips: Look for clothing with wide collars and details around the bust to balance your lower body.
· Clothing: A-line skirts, flared skirts, fitted waists and belts worn at waistline are best for you.
The “pencil” body type: wonderfully willowy. You are thin, with a straight waist and narrow shoulders and hips.
· Style icon: Audrey Hepburn
· Style tips: Look for clothing with detail at the bust and hips.
· Clothing: Puff sleeves, full skirts, ruching at hips and belts at waist give the appearance of a curvier figure.
The “womanly” body type: ultra feminine. You have a fullness through your core, arms and legs.
· Style icon: Queen Latifah
· Style tips: Look for clothing that draws attention to your face and elongates your silhouette.
· Clothing: Vertical stripes, collars and details at the neck, dark colors, flared skirts and well-fitted clothing are best for you.
The “athletic” body type: fantastically fit. You have broad shoulders, muscular legs and arms, and a flat stomach.
· Style icon: Venus Williams
· Style tips: Look for fitted clothing and clothing that drapes well over muscular figures.
· Clothing: Fabrics with stretch, knee length skirts and feminine details like puff sleeves and ruffles are best for you.
Being ‘short’ or ‘tall’ doesn’t determine your body type (e.g. you could be short and “curvy” or tall and “pear”) but you should approach your wardrobe differently. Here are a few tips in how to dress for your height.
If you are short: you are perfectly petite. You are smaller than the average woman.
· Style icon: Natalie Wood
· Style tips: Look for clothing that lengthens your silhouette.
· Clothing: Vertical stripes, solid colors, fitted clothing and empire waists are best for you.
If you are tall: you are superbly statuesque. You are taller than the average woman.
· Style icon: Katherine Hepburn
· Style tips: Look for clothing with belts or ties at the waist to break up silhouette.
· Clothing: Your height is complimented with patterns and feminine details such as ruffles and sashes.
About the Author:
This article is co-authored by Athelia Woolley and Emily McCormick , the founders of Shabby Apple. Shabby Apple offers women's dresses and girl's dresses - dresses that make dressing simple. Check out the Fit-to-Flatter tool to help you find the perfect fit in a dress.
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Giving Body Massage - How To Make Your Special Woman Feel Great
The importance of a massage cannot be stressed enough in a loving relationship as the smallest tactile movements enable a child to know safety in a mothers' arms, so the lover feels warm and cherished when treated to tender and nourishing body massage that stretches the single touch to many more. Many women may have been physically abused in the past or suffered a recent trauma or just be basically shy to invite a massage readily but it is up to the man in her life to convince her of his intentions in wanting to do something special for she is special – and out of the bed, too.
The first step is to make a woman feel comfortable in your presence and help her relax so she is certain it will lead to bigger things; this is especially important for women with a troubled past who can end up losing out on their trust if pressed into sexual intimacy after a massage session for the sake of it.
Do it without expecting payment in kind and convince your woman it is for her sake that you are offering the body massage and while it is likely you will be aroused by the activity, clothe yourself properly to avoid showing any signs of the same.
You can begin by preparing a bath for your woman, then lying her down on a clean towel or soft blanket on the floor instead of a bed, since the surface of a massage point needs to be firm. Put a pillow each below her head and shins and if you are not using pre-warmed, lightly-scented oil; you can cup some in your hands to transfer some body-heat to it before you begin by working on her shoulders and down her back, using slow strokes.
Pay close attention to any body parts that feel tense or stiff to your touch and ask where she hurts (if applicable) and work on those especially before moving to her thighs, legs and feet that need to be worked in circular motions before repeating the movements upwards again.
Avoid massaging private parts as you want her to relax and do not stare; work on her breasts only upon being given permission. Massage hands and face with a gentle touch and let her know in words how special she is – restrain your own needs, let it be her day, today!
Abhishek is a Massage Therapy expert and he has got some great Massage Therapy Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 70 Pages Ebook, "Massage Therapy For Complete Body Relaxation" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.
Article Source:
Author: Abhishek Agarwal
How To Tell When A Woman Is Ready To Flirt
Well, you are so wrong.
If you have been observing her body language well enough, you should have noticed that she was actually checking you out and giving out hints for you to make the move. Now, do not let another opportunity like this pass you by. You seriously need to study a womans body language. Here is a helpful guide for you so you would not have to spend your weekends alone anymore.
First things first. You need to understand that there are just two kinds of body language, open gestures and closed gestures. Open gestures mean that a woman is interested while close gestures tell you that she would rather be alone. Let us go through these two one by one.
Open Gestures
If a woman flips her hair and immediately afterwards glances your way, then that is a clear sign that she is interested in you and that she is trying to catch your attention by catching your eye.
How she reacts to eye contact is also an important body reaction to observe. Try to establish eye contact. If she looks away, then she is not that into you. If she does something to show that she has obviously become nervous because you are looking at her (playing with her jewelry, suddenly looking at her phone, or adjusting her clothes), then that means that she is interested and in fact a little attracted to you.
When you approach her to start a conversation and she leans forward, then it is her way of saying that she is yours for the taking. If she exposes her wrists and the palm of her hands, then that is her subconscious saying that she is willing to submit to you. It really is the subtlest way of saying that if you want her, you can have her. You know you have gotten it all right when she begins touching you and laughing at almost everything that you are saying. Yes, that is probably the alcohol but it is also her minds way of showing that it is comfortable with you and she is definitely attracted to you.
Closed Gestures
A woman crossing her arms is clearly telling you that she would rather be alone. It is not that she does not like you. It could be because she is agitated, uncomfortable, or just is not interested in meeting men in general at that moment.
When you start making your move and she likewise starts to roll her eyes, then that is not just a sign that you are making her nervous. She is actually embarrassed with what you are doing and she does not want anyone to see it. You have practically zero chances with a woman who does this. More so, if she leans back while you are about to approach her, then she is obviously giving you a signal to move away.
Based on studies, a womans body language expresses more than half of what she means even more than words. Therefore, it really helps to understand it but it is not fool proof. If you really like someone, then go ahead and talk to her even if her body is already screaming for you to leave. The worse thing that could happen is that she will just tell you point blank that she does not like you. There is really nothing here to lose. Take hints from the way her body talks but it is really up to you to decide on how to act on it.
About the Author:
Abbas Abedi--Check out my blog"erotic hypnosis">Erotic Hypnosis
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Author: Abbas Abedi
Rabu, 25 Maret 2009
How to Turn On a Beautiful Woman - 3 Ways to Make Her Melt
As most of you guys already know, there are many
different types of women out there in the dating pool. Some
women are really easy to approach, get to know and pretty
much will date anyone who asks her. Maybe her standards are
low, her self esteem not the greatest or she just needs
constant attention from other men to feel worthwhile. Most
women I know are not this way, but rather are VERY selective
about who they will and will not date.
The problem is, at a
distance, this can look very snobby and aloof, and often
friends of mine who are actually the warmest people I know,
have the reputation of being cold and distant. ALL of my
friends constantly talk about meeting a great guy, so it's
certainly not that they don't want you to approach them.
It's just that, most BEAUTIFUL women have a really high
standard of how they want to be treated by their man, and
who it is that they want to get intimate with, and usually,
it has a lot less to do with things like looks, money or
status than you guys think. Here are the 3 keys to the
kingdom of that beautiful woman you've had YOUR eyes on for
a while, but have been too afraid to approach.
1) Feed her MIND. A woman wants to be intellectually nurtured.
Challenged. STIMULATED. Do you want to really turn on your
girl? SHARE a book with her. Something smart. And
old.....Beautiful women LOVE men who read...and can teach
her new things. The mind is most easily stimulated organ in
a woman's body. Learn to master this and you will unlock
the kingdom worth far more than it's weight in gold.
2) Feed her SPIRIT. Understand the pure essence of EROS and
the divine spark that emanates from a secret place deep down
in the female form....Women have a FAR more sensitive
spiritual connection than most of our male
counterparts.There is a luminous and incandescent radiance
that yearns to be recognized and embraced by a beautiful
woman, and for most men, these are words and concepts that
are foreign to their ears, lips and hearts. Open YOURSELF up
to the ever present SPIRITUAL desires of your woman. Learn
them. And you will be the master he who is worshipped by
1000 women, until your spirit is captured by the heart of
3) Feed her BODY. Learn the secrets of a woman's to touch..WHERE to touch and when..Learn the
movements and the magic and the moments of bliss and desire.
Learn her facial expressions and how to read her body
language..A woman's body, in the right hands should be
played like a fine INSTRUMENT of love and lust...In the
wrong hands, a fiddle at a bad karaoke country music bar in
Peoria. KNOW and LEARN the nuances of the woman's body and
you WILL receive infinite pleasure beyond that of mere moral
And of course there are far, far more intimate secrets
and pleasures to learn as well - but if you want to make her
melt, and be and open book for your review....You will get
started with these 3 simple studies. Trust me, you will
thank me later!
Click Here --> to Discover The Six Sinful and Seductive Secrets THEY don't want you to know But can't resist once you DO..;-)
Article Source:
By Megan Zoile
Women's Designer Denim Is The Staple Of Today's Fashion Industry
Women's designer denim is the staple of today's fashion industry, and the fastest growing area of women's clothing. Women's designer denim features dynamic and creative designers like True Religion, Monarchy, and Seven for all Mankind. All makers of women's designer denim have learned in their clothing lines that everyone is shaped differently, and the cut must conform to the woman's body and curves to look great. To that end there are quite a few manufactures each with their own style and cut, as outlined below.
Monarchy Denim Jeans for women are a perfect combination of creative design and casual comfort. Monarchy Denim Jeans for men have been worn by such stars as Ashton Kutcher, Tommy Lee, Rob Lowe, and Jack Osbourne among others. Monarchy Denim Jeans like the Skewed M Pocket Flap in Lasted Blue use the revolutionary manufacturing process that naturally ages the jeans to give it a soft vintage look and feel. These Monarchy Denim Jeans are featured in a dark faded blue, and the intricate design on the back pocket flaps gives these jeans look chic and edgy. Monarchy denim jeans Wilhelm Jean in Dark are skinny jeans for men in a soft dark black material with the characteristic Monarchy trademark design on the back flap. These jeans look fantastic with a Monarchy tee and a pair of dress shoes. Monarchy Denim Jeans in New British style are a sophisticated style jean with a UK flag decoration on the back flaps.
True Religion Brand jeans come in men's, women's and there is apparel for kids as well. The True Religion brand jeans for women come in different styles like boot cut, skinny, flare, and straight leg among others. All the different styles of True Religion brand jeans come in different washes, such as dark, medium, and light, and the fabrics hug the hips, elongate the legs, and look sexy and sophisticated on any body type. True Religion Brand jeans also come in cropped denim that look amazing with a pair of high boots. The different fabrics can be soft or rigid, depending on how casual you want the look to be. The cropped denim compliments the body and can be worn with a nice blazer, or a casual t-shirt. True Religion Women's designer denim are made with a revolutionary manufacturing process that naturally ages the jean so that they look even better with wash and wear. These women's designer denim jeans are featured in shorts as well as full length jeans that embrace the hips sit high on the thighs and make the legs look long and lean. The deep indigo give these denim beauties a certain casual sophistication that make them a definite must have for any fashion forward woman's wardrobe.
Seven for all mankind denim jeans are luxury jeans for men and women that feature soft faded fabrics and edgy sexy styles. Seven for all mankind denim jeans for women are available in different cuts like boot cut, flared, and skinny jeans among others. Seven for all mankind denim jeans in stretch boot cut in Nakita are made with a revolutionary manufacturing method that naturally ages the fabric with wear marks and natural tears. These Seven for all mankind denim jeans look fantastic with a pair of high heeled sandals and a pretty camisole, for a casual trendy outfit. Seven for all mankind denim jeans Lucy double knit in black are a sexy denim vision of edgy chic and elusive mystery. These jeans are made with soft, supple fabric and the body hugging design give the body a sleek, lean look. Seven for all mankind denim jeans Dojo in Dusseldorf are featured in a deep indigo blue in an ultra wide leg style that look hip and chic with a pair of heels and a funky blazer. These jeans are a definite must have for the fashion forward woman, and are versatile enough to match up with any tops and shoes
Paige Premium Denim Jeans are creating quite a stir in the fashion industry with their unique designs and carefully aged fabrics. Paige Premium Denim Jeans are primarily available for women, and the creative beautiful designs are a flattering fit for just about any body type. Paige Premium Denim Jeans Pico Benedict in Moon shadow is a boot cut jean made out of super soft supple light denim. The ultra low rise jean has a slightly higher rise in the back. This style combined with the large flaps on the back pockets, gives an extra curve to the rear and enhances the waist and hips with a sexy flair. These double stitched denim beauties hugs the body and make the legs look long and lean and sensational with a pair of high heeled boots.
The Miss Me Brand Jeans collection is an edgy and adventurous foray into the haute couture world of denim. Miss Me Brand Jeans come in Wide Leg, Boot Cut, Straight Leg and Skinny and the materials are manufactured with a special aging process to make them look and feel vintage. The Miss Me Brand Jeans Wide Leg feature True Colors, Dark Alluring, and Fresh and Comfortable, and the designs are true to their names.
Joes Jeans come in several different creatively named styles and colors. Joes Jeans Cigarette jeans are made with a straight leg cut that flatters any body type. These Joes Jeans are edgy, hip and a definite must have for the fashion forward woman who appreciates style, quality and elegance. Joes Jeans Muse Jeans are high waisted denim beauties that embrace the waist and hips and make the legs look long and lean. . Joes Jeans Honey jeans are designed for the curvy woman who wants to show off her feminine wiles and looks stylish and sophisticated. Joes Jeans provocateur Jeans are designed for the petite body type with a shorter inseam and higher knee break to make the legs look longer and lean. These Joes Jeans are uniquely designed for those petite women who have difficulty finding a pair of jeans that aren't too long in the leg, or large in the waist and seat. Joes Jeans Rocker Jeans are a throwback to the eighties rocker style apparel with a straight waist and flared legs that look sexy and edgy. And finally the Joes Socialite jeans, which are a classic design, that is sophisticated and elegant for today's fashionista in a lightweight, body hugging soft denim boot cut. you can learn more about Joes Jeans at Designer-Clothing-4U.
Hudson jeans offer a wide choice of styles in wide leg, flare, boot cut or skinny, and there's also cropped or ankle length Hudson jeans to choose. A selection of Hudson shorts and Bermudas for the girls, with the same Hudson quality can provide something classy and sexy to wear when the weather gets too hot. The choice is yours with 5-pocket styles and 6-pocket Hudson jeans. Originating from the UK, Hudson jeans come with a guarantee of classic British couture expertise. Using the finest premium denim from Europe and Japan for perfect fit, finish and durability, Hudson jeans are fine tailored for guys and girls and favored by celebrities everywhere.
The detail in each premium denim style of Gold Sign Jeans gives a worn, sophisticated look. The exceptional fit of Gold Sign Jeans can best be associated with the classy and luxury styling of Adrian Goldschmied. The importance of fit is not the only aspect of GoldSign Jeans, but also the types of washes and adornment in each denim style that brings forth an individualistic appeal. The unique washes, mixed with elements such as grinding, abrasion, and other finishing techniques introduces stylized jeans that are not overly detailed, but give just the right amount of wear to any look you want to achieve. Gold Sign Misfit Jeans are skinny jeans with an attitude made with a body hugging soft denim that fits like a second skin, these edgy denim beauties are rebellious and alluring. Gold Sign Treo Jeans are high waisted traditional denim in a sophisticated cut that brings glamour back to the fashion world. Gold Sign Gliss Jeans are not as common as the other styles of denim available by Gold Sign, which makes them coveted and exclusive, an irresistible combination for today's fashionistas who appreciate creativity and distinction in their clothes.
Learn more about Womens Designer denim and find out about all the hot new designers
Article Source:
By Sara Metz
Finding A Tattoo For A Woman's Tastes - Critical Female Design Info
Finding a tattoo for a woman's tastes online is hard, especially when you are looking for quality artwork. The web is just filled with so much generic art that is can seem impossible, as you may have seen for yourself. Some women even settle for design they aren't 100% in love with, which no sane person should ever do. Well, here is what you need to know about that kind of design on the internet, as well as how to find the good stuff.
Performing a search for a tattoo for a woman's tastes can be very difficult for most. I know, because I have seen it first hand. I tend to stress the word "settle", because that is exactly what a lot of women do when it comes to tattoos. Whether they are plain tired of looking thought all of the generic crud on the web, or they simply think they won't be able to find anything better, some females will get tattoos that they do not fully want in the first place. Needless to say, this generally leads to frustration and regret in the future.
Finding a tattoo for a woman's tastes online doesn't have to be that way anymore and here is what you need to avoid when searching for that perfect design...
The first and most important thing is what we are about to talk about right now. This has to do with the tools you are using to locate artwork, or any given tattoo for a woman's tastes on the web. If you are like 95% of the people around the world, you are using search engines. To make a long story short, search engines are pretty useless when it comes to finding good designs. Places like Google and Yahoo just lead you straight to the thousands upon thousands of cookie-cutter websites out there that have a large percentage of the generic artwork.
Also, the artwork they do have is over a half a decade old and is already plastered and scattered on hundreds of other websites already. Who knows how many females might already have that particular design inked on their body? That is not a good tattoo for a woman's body. With millions of people already seeing that single design, you can bet that somewhere near one hundreds females have that inked some place on their body.
Finding a tattoo for a woman's tastes should not be this hard, so here is how to avoid that type of garbage...
Now that we have excluded the main culprit, you will need an alternative tool to locate artwork. Not just any art, "good" original art, for the perfect tattoo for a woman's tastes. This is where you have met your new best friend and they are called internet forums. Forums are sensational tools with so much insider information hat you won't believe your eyes and for locating tattoos they are priceless. I can't even begin to tell you how many different times I have used them successfully locate those hidden websites out there that have original, quality artwork that is not spread all over the darn place. That's the kind of tattoo for a woman's tastes you need.
As an extra bonus, these also happen to be the sites that have the design that were truly drawn to be implemented as tattoos for women and men alike. This is in sharp contrast to those cookie-cutter places, which feature so much artwork that won't look half as good on your body as it did on paper or computer screen. This happens because of the artists that draw most of the designs at those cookie-cutter websites. Those places are filled with material that was drawn by artists with no knowledge of tattoos, which won't make a good tattoo for a woman's body. These crucial skills are needed to make designs that will look just as great once inked on a female's skin. Finding a tattoo for a woman's tastes at one of those generic sites will just make you disappointed. Forums are you surefire way around that.
Locating the perfect tattoo for a woman's tastes can be much easier than you think, so please don't just settle for all of that generic artwork that seems to litter the internet.
Want to know where to find the largest, most original websites to find the perfect tattoo for woman tastes?
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the blog Tattoo Art Design, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of artwork that allows you to find the perfect tattoo design for woman. Finding the perfect tattoo has never been easier
Article Source:
By Adam Woodham
How to Tell If a Girl Likes You - 3 Hidden Body Language Flirting Secrets That Every Man Must Know
How many times have you encountered a really attractive woman but were to afraid to take the next step because you didn't know if the attraction was mutual? This has happened to every man who was unaware of a girl's secret body language flirting cues. I'm going to reveal three secrets so you know right away if a girl likes you or not.
A little known fact is that most human communication is done non-vebally, 80% of what's 'said' is expressed through body language. So paying careful attention to what her body says could get you the girl.
Eye contact as flirting cues
If she holds your gaze longer than normal during conversation is a definite indicator of interest. If she breaks eye contact sooner it may be because she's shy or nervous to be sure see what other gestures she uses after she looks away. The 'hair flick', adjusting her jewelry or clothes, unconscious biting of the lower lip while looking down and away is a dead give away that she likes you.
Smiles and laughter
If she laughs at your worse jokes, it may not be because your getting better at humour it is a definite sign that she finds you attractive. A sense of humor is near the top of a woman's priority list of what they look for in a man. So laughs smiles and giggles go a long way proving that she's into you and is all a part of the flirting game.
Body Language and Attraction
Most men are totally oblivious to a woman's body language of attraction. Uncrossed arms showing the exposed palms and wrists indicates she's attracted to you and has nothing to hide. Her feet unconsciously point where her mind wants to go, so the knee point- her crossed leg pointing in your direction is yet another sign the girl feels at ease with you. Lastly If she looks for any opportunity to initiate a light touch of your arm accidental or otherwise it is an obvious sign the girl likes you.
Now Listen, with that said..
Do you really want to learn how to flirt with, attract, meet and seduce women? Do you want to learn how to get a girlfriend no matter what you look like, how old or poor you are? Do you want to take control of your dating life? If you answered YES to any of these questions visit for tips and strategies on how to take you game to the next level!
Article Source:
By Randolf Nuvo
Finding A Tattoo For A Woman's Tastes - Simple Female Design Info
Locating a tattoo for a woman's tastes can be close to impossible online, especially if you only want to top notch artwork on the web. Some women even go as far as giving up on their search because of all of the generic art that litters the internet. Well, here is what every female needs to know about that kind of content, as well as how to blast right past it while getting to the great stuff.
A tattoo for a woman's body should be something special to them. You should never just "settle" on some piece of generic artwork simply because you couldn't find anything better, or because you were just tired of looking high and low. This will just lead to resentment and an overall disappointment in the tattoos that you choose. With that said, many females do exactly this. They end up settling for artwork that you don't 100% like. Needless that say, no sane female should ever do this. Finding a tattoo for a woman's tastes doesn't have to be that hard, though.
To avoid so much of the generic artwork and designs that overload the web, you will want to stay far away from search engines. This goes for all of them when looking for the perfect tattoo for a woman's tastes. Places like Google and MSN will just bring everyone to the thousands and thousands of cookie-cutter websites hat litter the internet. It is this kind of website that has so much artwork that is way over six years old and the content they actually do have is already plastered on hundreds of other sites. Who knows how many females already have that design you chose inked on their body already. A tattoo for a woman's tastes should be special and mean something, not a design that so many other females have.
You can easily get right around a lot of that generic art, while getting any given tattoo for a woman's style online....
Now that we have said something about the evils of search engines, you will need some other search option to take its place. This is exactly where internet forums come into the picture, and boy, are they a real life saver for any female, because finding any tattoo for a woman's tastes is quite easy. I can't tell you how many times I (and so many people I know) have used forums to find tons of hidden websites that feature top quality artwork and original designs. Also, these happen to be the sites that have true artwork that was actually meant to be made into tattoos, unlike those cookie-cutter places, which have so much art that was drawn be people with no real knowledge about tattoos. Almost every tattoo for a woman's body seems to be pretty detailed, so this would not be good.
This means that most of the artwork at those cookie-cutter places is drawn be people that don't know what it takes to make designs that will look even half as good once taken from paper and inked on your body. That is not a true tattoo for a woman's tastes, or any female for that matter. Getting a tattoo for a woman's style should be something fun and expected. Who wants to pick a design that looks pretty good on their computer screen or paper, only to find out that it looks very different on their skin? That is a female's worst nightmare. The good news is that the hundreds of huge forums throughout the web can easily help you get right past that dirty artwork.
Finding a tattoo for a woman's tastes can be simply and direct, so please, don't settle for generic female designs that will leave you less than happy.
Want to know where to find the largest, most original websites to find the perfect tattoo for woman tastes?
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the blog Tattoo Art Design, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of artwork that allows you to find the perfect tattoo design for woman. Finding the perfect tattoo has never been easier
Article Source:
By Adam Woodham
Senin, 23 Maret 2009
How to Get Bigger Breasts - Do Herbal Breast Pills Work?
If you are wondering how to get bigger breasts short of implant surgery, here is some information you will be interested to know. We've all heard of breast enhancement pills. The question is do they work, and are they all the same? Here are some answers about how they work, and why some work better than others.
Many women don't want to have implant surgery because of cost, risks and dangers associated. The good news is, there is an easier, more affordable way to get the full breasts you want without risky surgery - and the results are amazing. In fact, they are better than implants because they are yours, and they look totally natural!
So, how do these breast enhancement pills work to give you the bigger breasts you want? The herbal ingredients in an effective product combine to form phytoestrogen, which is very much like the natural estrogen found naturally in a womans body.
These phytoestrogens target the breast tissue and mammary glands, resulting in growth similar to that in puberty. Over a period of several months, the breasts grow until they reach their full potential, which is usually around the six month of taking breast enhancement pills.
Most women will experience a noticeable difference within the first two months. What is the average cup size increase? Usually 1 to 3 cups, depending on how you follow the manufacturers directions. Skipping days or taking more than instructed may affect your results.
Breast enhancement pills are one example of how to get bigger breasts. By adding a topical cream, you can maximize results even further. A natural herbal cream when used daily will firm, lift and enhance the results of the breast pills.
Herbal breast enhancement products do work well, but some work better than others. Why? Because of the formulation. You must have the right herbs in the proper amounts to obtain the balance needed for optimum breast growth.
I hope this answers your questions about how to get bigger breasts with herbal breast pills - when the most effective brand is used properly, you can expect astounding results! My top choice? Breast Actives - proven to work, backed by an iron-clad guarantee, and most importantly, results you are going to love!
Learn more about natural breast enhancement, and how it can transform your body into that sexy silhouette you dream of! The sooner you start, the sooner you will see AMAZING results
Article Source:
By Toni T
Menopause Natural Therapies - Discover The Natural Therapies For Menopause That Work!
A lot of women stay away from medical treatment for menopause because of the undesirable side effects, for example hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer's and breast cancer. As a result these women have turned to menopause natural therapies. In this article we will look at some of these natural therapies.
Aromatherapy - this form of natural therapy involves the use of essential oils to treat menopause. These essential oils are extracted from plants and flowers. The oils can be administered directly on to the skin during a massage or they can be inhaled. Oils that are believed to be effective at treating the symptoms of menopause include clary sage, lavender and cypress amongst others.
Clary Sage - This oil is used as an anti- depressant, as a result it has a positive effect on mood swings, which is a common symptom of menopause.
Lavender - This oil is used to promote restful sleep, menopausal women find it very hard to get to sleep as result of their symptoms such as night sweats and restless leg syndrome, so this oil is very helpful.
Cypress - This oil is believed to have properties that reduce the occurrence of hot flashes.
Homeopathy - menopause natural therapy works by using remedies that encourage the body to heal itself. It is based on the belief that like can cure like, for example if you have an allergy, a treatment using ingredients that can cause that allergy are used to actually treat the allergy.
There are many homeopathic remedies that are specifically used to treat menopause naturally, and many women claim the remedies have helped them greatly during menopause. If this method of natural menopause therapies interests you, it is recommended that you are treated by a registered homeopath.
Foods that contain estrogen - Many of the symptoms of menopause are believed to occur as a result of the declining levels of estrogen, which is inevitable during menopause. Certain foods contain the plant version of estrogen which is known as phytoestrogen. When consumed phytoestrogens mimic the effect that estrogen has on a womans body. The effects are much milder than that of estrogen, however they may still relieve the symptoms of menopause. Foods that contain soy tend to be high in estrogens, herbs such as black cohosh are also rich in this substance.
This article looked at three types of menopause natural therapies, these include aromatherapy, homeopathy and consuming foods that contain phytoestrogen. If you are looking for a natural way to treat menopause one of these methods may be the one for you.
For more information on menopause head over to, where you can also find out about early menopause symptoms and hot flashes and menopause
Article Source:
By Samuel Atkinson
Attracting Women - Using Body Language To Your Advantage
You might not know it, but a very important part of attracting women is your body language. 50% off your success with the fairer sex rides solely on the way you carry yourself. Let take a look at a few things you can do to help your body language.
Stand up straight. Having a good posture is a very important trait to have if you want to come across as having good body language. It is quite easy for guys to hunch, which doesn't look very good. Having a good posture enables you to come look to woman as a confident, fit and healthy guy. Ladies love a guy who is confident and takes pride in themselves!
Keep smiling! A great smile automatically puts a woman at ease. There are so many guy out there who think that it is cool to look dark, angry and mysterious. Maybe this is true to your friends, but definitely not to women. Showing off your pearly whites makes you seem much more approachable and friendly. But remember, don't put on a fake, cheesy smile. Make sure your smile is genuine and you will melt even the coldest of ice queens.
Maintain eye contact. I know that the most interesting part of a womans body is probably not her eyes, but is is key to keep confident eye contact with her at all times. Woman hate it if your glare somewhat hinders from her eyes down to her chest. I know its hard, but its extremely important to keep this in mind when you are chatting to a woman.
Body language is one of the key aspects of having good fortune with women. Remember the golden rule: its not what you say its what you don't say!
Don't get left in the dust, take a look at some great secret tips that will show you how to attract a woman
Peter closely monitors the behavior of the fairer sex
Article Source:
By Peter Van Zijl
How to Read a Woman's Body Language - Flirting
This article is intended to educate its readers in the art of flirting with women, by reading their body language, then using the results to your advantage.
The information throughout this piece is in no particular order, which means you should be looking out for these signs and signals continuously throughout the time you are in her presence. Maybe your on a date or just out for a casual drink as "friends".
Women send out roughly 5 times more body language signals than men, which gives us our first advantage.
If you can remember just a couple of these signs, then reading the body language of a women will become easy because they will express them often if they are interested in you.
When women play with their hair it is called preening. This can be tossing of the hair, running her fingers through her hair in a combing fashion and stroking her hair. This is the most common way a women will flirt with a man. So watch out for this sure sign.
Eating slowly will bring attention to a woman's lips which is a great flirting move because most men find the lips very stimulating.
Physical Contact - If she touching you then this is generally a good sign and you will find that she is more than likely making excuses to touch you because she likes you a lot.
Ladies legs are a powerful tool. If she has them crossed, uncrosses them and directly crosses them in the other direction then this is a sign she is flirting.
99% of a women's body language will be sexual because they know men want for this and so play with them along whilst flirting.
If a woman wets her lips quite frequently, it's either out of habit or desire to get you to pay attention to her lips and sooner or later kiss her. If however she is biting her lips then maybe you are making her feel uncomfortable.
For more information about how to read body language you can use the link below
Neal Hendes has a passion for body language. He loves to encourage people to become more developed in reading body language and has an online blog How To Read Body Language which you can visit to find out more information on the subject
Article Source:
Single Guy Sex Tips
If you're a single guy then you likely want to score and impress women with tips that work universally. Once you get into a relationship you can zero in on what your partner likes best and so forth, but for now you need sex tips that are going to work each and every time out, not only to ensure you'll have return encounters, but to give yourself the added confidence of being a great lover.
You can break it all down into three different areas, which all have universal turn on appeal:
1. Touch.
There are "erotic zones" on a womans body which are sure fire turn on points that work amazingly well each and every time. Knowing these areas of the womans body (they range from areas on the neck to spots on the feet) can really rev things up during foreplay, which is incredibly important for sexual intimacy to be a satisfying, memorable experience for any woman.
2. Kiss.
This is a skill that gets glazed over way too often. Women universally love to be kissed, so it only makes sense that if you can master the art of kissing you can universally impress any woman. Kissing skills can be incredibly sexual, especially when you combine kissing with certain erotic zones on a womans body.
3. Sex.
Now the main event. Every guy wants to be a good, impressive lover in the sack, yet women can have individual tastes on what exactly turns them on, as far as rhythm, position, and so forth. So what universal thing can you do to make sure a woman is satisfied no matter what?
Lasting long enough. This tends to be the number one complaint women have with regards to sex. You can get the touch right, the kissing right, but if you don't last long enough during sexual intimacy you could blow it all. So it's vitally important to make sure you learn tricks and techniques to last long during sex, and then you'll be guaranteed to universally impress.
If you learn these three areas of intimacy, then you simply cannot go wrong when it comes to impressing any woman sexually.
Here is an excellent online Sex manual for learning all the touching, kissing, and lasting longer tips you need during sex to become an incredible lover. See
The author was featured on Oprah and has compiled all the best, proven sex tips in one manual. Check it out at - and thanks for reading
Article Source:
By Chess McDoogle
Kamis, 19 Maret 2009
Women's Plus Size Swim Wear Is Making A Comeback In The Full Figure Fashion Industry
A voluptuous beautiful woman with full hips has been a forgotten consumer in the women's plus size swim wear category. Fortunately, this full figured woman usually controls the purse strings for the family. After years of suffering in silence, the strong voices of these women are finally being heard in the full figure fashion industry.
Someone forgot that full figured women are the mothers, sisters, and head of households that hold the purse strings. Someone forgot that these women go to dinners and go on vacation and may very well need to purchase a fashionable plus size swimsuit.
They forgot to design a sexy, color enhancing swimsuit for this pillar of not only society but retail sales. What happened to the marketers who have their ears to the consumers wants and needs meter. The message was not delivered and somehow was not conveyed to the creator of the bikini or the chlorine resistant sackcloth called women's plus size swim wear.
A woman with a full figure is currently not the Hollywood representation of beauty. The choice of the fashion community is a slim waif like creature with sunken cheeks and no curves. So the fashion industry gave the full figured woman what they wanted and the full figured woman rejected their overture thumbs down.
There has now been a revolution in the fashion industry which was too long in coming. But stylish figure enhancing swim wear has finally arrived. Women's plus size swim wear is now available in beautiful colors and shape enhancing features that fit the body of a real woman. The women designers who are full figured women themselves finally put together a winning formula for swim wear for the regular sized woman
If one believes in conspiracy theories, then the conspiracy exists between the million dollar weight loss industry and the fashion gurus who might own stock in the companies. The conspiracy is the reason that the long awaited fashionable clothes and proper fitting swim wear for full figured women took so long to come to fruition.
The problem may be that those slim witted designers may hold stock in the weight loss companies. Long before the slim waif was in vogue, Rueben defined beauty in his elegant pictures of woman who had hips, thighs and (whisper) breast.
The women of the Reuben era had curves. The curves of a woman's body are what define her femininity. The curves differentiate women from men. Women are build they way they are for a purpose. The creator designed women to look a certain way and it is not the thin reed like silhouette of the runway model.
The women of the Rubenesque era were applauded and envied for their full body healthy curves. These women were pursued because they were the epitome of femininity and considered beautiful because of their rounded curves. These characteristics were considered attractive and desirable. Finally, someone in the retail clothing stores remembered that women in other sizes needed attractive swim wear. These women who have been ignored actually hold the purse strings.
Swimsuits are now available in stylish and flattering designs. This improvement in the design is beneficial to all women who don't have the perceived perfect body. When design is improved in clothes everyone shares in the compliments.
There are real women sizes in swim wear that fit and look great. The swimsuit manufacturers are finally recognizing the needs and desires of women's plus size swim wear who fit the Reuben style of beauty rather than the style of beauty created by the fashion houses
For more information on women's plus size swimwear try visiting, a popular website that offers plus size fashon advice, tips and resources to include information on plus size bras, plus size dresses and plus size lingerie
Article Source:
By Tim Gorman
Pregnancy at 40
Did you ever believe that it is possible to achieve a safe and healthy pregnancy at 40 years old? Most medical professionals will often tell their patients over 35 years of age that their ovaries will produce increasingly fewer viable eggs, and that it is unwise to attempt conception. However, it is still very possible to get pregnant naturally. More significantly, it is entirely possible to have a complication-free pregnancy and deliver a fit and healthy baby.
You can easily restore your procreative abilities with natural treatment. In my kinesiology medical center, I've observed multiple peri-menopausal women replenish their menstrual cycles long enough to conceive. This is achieved by utilizing the "Mature Mother's Kit" and program that have been incredibly helpful in aiding women to achieve fertility and conceive no matter what age.
It consists of the following:
A healthy diet contains organic whole foods, healthful fresh fruits and vegetables, a plentiful amount of purified water, and a reduced sodium and sugar consumption. Well-rounded eating habits can help obtain a desired weight, since being too over or underweight can intervene with the biological process.
Steering clear of caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea amongst others is important. This is because caffeine tends to over-stimulate adrenal glands and this leads to an excessive production of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These in turn interfere with the menstrual cycle and ovulation.
While a healthier diet that focuses on consuming organic foods and lots of water can help promote a healthy reproduction process, it alone is not a supremely perfect therapy. Body cleansing addresses increased fertility and rids the body of the toxins that can impede hormonal balance and overall fertility. A "Body Cleanse Kit," for example, is a herbal body cleanse that includes kidney-strengthening herbs that supply a woman's body with enough energy to successfully and safely reproduce. Also, a liver cleansing program can help to strengthen the liver and allow it to metabolize excess hormones. This along with parasite and heavy metal cleansing are important steps to detoxifying the body of harmful, fertility-limiting contamination.
Ingesting food-based vitamins will allow the body to ingest the greatest quantity of nutrients. These supplements also bestow your body with the minerals necessary to reinforce your reproductive organs, nourish the body with enough energy to reproduce, and provide for the developing egg.
Consuming antioxidants keep free radicals from harming cells. This incorporates cells from the ovaries, follicle, and egg. Antioxidants are used to recess aging, especially if used in conjunction with healthy eating habits and nutritional supplements. To get the maximum advantage from these antioxidants, they need to be extracts of superfood fruits and vegetables, like "AntioxiPlus" or just ingest great amounts of these antioxidant fruits.
Hormonal equilibrium requires taking herbal remedies to decrease FSH levels, equalize estrogen and progesterone levels, coordinate menstruation and aid the body in ovulating naturally. There are a vast amount of herbal treatments for fertility on the market, but the only one that I personally enjoy with my mature mothers is "FertilPlus", which is entirely organic, and doesn't include any harmful pesticide treated ingredients, like other natural treatments.
Supplements and diet will help greatly in urging your body into healthy reproduction, but reducing stress levels is also extremely helpful. Stress can take a huge physical toll on a woman's body, as it rapidly accelerates the aging process. Moreover, stress is thought to be a major cause of otherwise unexplainable infertility. It is only after your brain is completely relaxed that the rest of your body can also relax and focus on more important reproductive matters. Listening to brain-wave audio recordings can help put the brain into a deep state of unmatched quantum relaxation that could only be comparably achieved through years of practiced meditation.
Stimulating the flow of blood to the ovaries is significantly vital because they then become more responsive to FSH. This can easily be achieved by Chinese Fertility Massage and acupressure techniques that one can do without assistance. Fertility Yoga is an effective method that improves the health of the ovaries and increases the supply of blood to the entire reproductive system.
Many fully developed mothers experience a distinct change in just one month's time of adapting to this program. A noticeable increase in vitality, sex drive, and development in appetite, skin and regulated menstrual cycles. It's essential to follow this program for a minimum of five months, considering this is the amount of time required for the body to create a new egg. Taking care of your body and mind in this matter can help you perform a natural pregnancy at 40 or older. You can find out more about this program at:
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By Mina D Craig
The Perfect Tattoo For a Woman's Tastes - Get What You Want
The perfect tattoo for a woman's tastes can vary greatly depending on the type of female that you are. Not matter if you are the simple type, or if you have more of a wild side, the choice you make will ultimately be with you for a long time to come. This is the exact reason why you need to 100% like the artwork you choose to get tattooed. With that said, here is what you must know about a lot of the art on the internet when looking for tattoos.
A tattoo for a woman's tastes is something that you should want to get. You should never rush you decision to get any design inked on your body. All this does is lead to resentment by a lot of people. I am sure that you know at least a couple of people in your area that hate the art that they got inked on their body. There is a pretty decent chance that some of this had to do with it. There are lots of things in this world that we can settle on, but tattoos are not one of them, not by a long shot. As a female, you really do want your tattoos to be perfect, right? Most people want this, but there are still so many folks who end up settling on tattoos that are not even close to being good. Most of it has to do with the fact that generic artwork was picked.
This generic artwork is usually a decade old piece of art and it is also something that probably wasn't even drawn to be made into tattoos in the first place. Using this type of generic artwork as a tattoo for a woman won't look even half as good inked on your skin as it looked on paper or your computer screen. If you ever see someone that has a raggedy looking tat on their body, there is a good chance that the design they picked looked a lot better on paper than it came out on their skin.
Now, here is why this type of artwork is all most females see when searching for a tattoo for a woman on the web....
I assume you are looking for a tattoo for a woman's tastes that only you know about. If you are like most females, though, you are using search engines to locate the designs for your next choice. This is the main problem right here. You don't have to look any further than this when it comes to running into the same generic designs over and over again. You see, search engines usually only pull up the same cookie-cutter websites. It is these cookie-cutter websites that are why the same art is being seen over and over again by the same people. This is all that seems to come up when searching for any tattoos and any styles in 2008. Finding a quality tattoo for a woman is just about impossible like this. Each one of them is loaded with mostly generic artwork that is over eight years old.
Also, the artwork they do have is already plastered on hundreds of other sites. This is a bad thing because of so many reasons, but the main reason this is bad is because millions of people have seen each one of the designs there. If you are thinking about picking a tattoo for a woman's tastes from that place, there is a good chance that a hundred or so females have already had that exact en inked on their body. That's not a tattoo for a woman's body that should be settled for.
To locate a "quality" tattoo for a woman's tastes online, you will need to make one simple transition...
This transition is a very simple thing to do. All you really have to do is use internet forums to find a good tattoo for a woman's tastes instead of relying on the search engines. It might seem like no big deal, but it is the difference between having thousands of generic, cookie-cutter designs to choose from, and being able to see the quality artwork that was truly drawn to be implemented as real tattoos. Forums are great at giving you links straight to the websites that have most of the quality artwork that is on the web. There are hundreds of huge forums on the web and each one of them is filled with its own unique insider knowledge about tattoos and the places that feature the quality art we all want and need. This is how to find a tattoo for a woman's tastes that you can appreciate.
Finding a tattoo for a woman's tastes is hard enough, so please don't allow yourself to settle for the first half way decent thing that you find online.
Want to know where to find the largest, most original websites to find the perfect tattoo for woman tastes?
Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the blog Tattoo Art Design, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of artwork that allows you to find the perfect tattoo design for woman. Finding the perfect tattoo has never been easier
Article Source:
By Adam Woodham
10 Most Essential Vitamins For Young Women
Young women not only face the challenges of a body that is changing and the development of a young mind. There are also the needs that the body requires in the massive changes that it needs to undergo in becoming a woman. There are ten vitamins that are paramount for young women, these are: folic acid, zinc, iron, calcium, B vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, chromium, iodine, and Omega-3 fatty acids.
Perhaps the one that is most often overlooked is zinc. This is one of the fundamental nutrients that are utilized for more than one base use. The body uses both zinc and Vitamin E as an antioxidant. This means that both are counter agents against both disease and the impact that can come with aging. Zinc has one other use in the young woman's body though, as it is a base nutrient that the body uses in making many of the hormones that are needed to develop the female body. Although the amounts of Zinc that are needed by a man are greater than that of a woman, it does play a pivotal role in the creation of estrogen.
Vitamin B6 is another need of the body that varies between the genders, as it is the base tool that is used by the body to alleviate the premenstrual syndrome that is part of every woman's life. This is more prominent in the needs of the young woman as the initial experiences of this can not only be unnerving, but can also be very uncomfortable as well.
Iron is one need that every woman has after puberty, but even more so with the changes that come about in a young woman's body. As their premenstrual cycle begins to take hold they will develop a need for both iodine for water retention (along with salt and water) and iron. The loss of iron is a fact of life for a woman and is something that can result in a number of complications if not dealt with properly. In many cases, a woman that doesn't compensate for the loss of iron will face the reduction of red blood cell production and also the risk of developing an anemic condition. In many situations, this can be dealt with, but the long-term strain on the body can be profound if this is a norm for the young woman that is leading her life into adulthood.
There has been many that have seen the advertisements and the information on the need of calcium. This is even truer for young women that are seeing their body explode with changes and also have the need for the calcium for any addition growth spurts their body will undergo. The human body will go through developmental phases up until they reach the age of twenty-two, this is something that is a serious consideration with any young woman and her needs. Along with the need of calcium is also the need of lesser amounts of Vitamin D as it is the one agent that the body uses in the incorporation of calcium into the body and being able to use it as a building block. There are many horror stories for young women when they discard the calcium needs and the truly unnerving part is that they are quite true in the results that are shown for those that lack the calcium needs of their body.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: -- Health Solutions To Your Health Concerns
*IMPORTANT: You may reprint this article as long as you keep the author's resource box intact and all links clickable
By Boone Swann
Flirting With Women - 5 Proven Flirting Tips For Guys - Body Language Sparks Instant Attraction!
It is true that body language is a big part of flirting with women. Your body language says a lot about who you are and even what you want. The first thing you should know and understand is that women are susceptible to body language and they are also very intuitive when it comes to reading it. There is an art to body language when flirting with women and this you can learn when you are trying to get the girl.
These top 5 flirting tips for guys that will help you to get noticed and attract women:
1. Use a Big Smile - A great smile can exude confidence, playfulness, friendliness and interest. If you have problems with your teeth then get them fixed and brighten up the room with a big toothy smile! Nothing shows a woman you are confident and secure like a nice big smile. A smile can also show you are in control of who you are and what you are doing.
2. Use the Head Drop - This maneuver is one I've used many times and it plays a big part in my success in flirting with women. It's is a very flirty tactic and is done by meeting the girl's eyes and immediately dropping your head to the side as if to let her know, you know she is interested so come on over and talk to me. This tends to work better in other countries as most American women are not impressed by this tactic but it still shows some good results.
3. Use a Confident Gaze - This does not mean a meaningless stare or to gawk at her. This is a way of holding a confident stare between two interested individuals. You will find she will either show interest by holding her stare or by looking down. Looking at you for a moment then looking down is a body language cue that she feels attraction toward you. Either way she is showing interest so it is time to approach her and start a conversation.
4. Use Open Body Language - Sitting or standing with your legs or arms crossed shows you are either tense or not interested in any kind of contact! Stop it and stop it now! The best way to show you are safe and friendly is to show you are relaxed. You can show you are relaxed by sitting or standing with your arms open and legs uncrossed as if to tell her you are open to her advances. This tactic for flirting with women will not only bring you the girl you are trying to attract but many others at bars, parties and other social gatherings. You just never know where you will meet the woman of your dreams so use this tactic.
5. Leaning Back When Engaged in Conversation - When you lean back in your seat as you are talking with a woman this shows you are not intimidated and you are confident and relaxed. This also puts her at ease in the conversation. According to dating experts this is the alpha male position that shows you are a self-assured man and ready for anything. This also puts her in a position of having to lean forward toward you making you the chooser. This shows her she has to earn your respect. She will work harder to impress you putting you in control of the situation. Once she's comfortable with you and a bond is made then you should lean in to show her she has retained your interest. Once you lean forward toward her and she is still there showing interest then you know you have done everything right.
You can generally tell by a woman's body language and conversation if she is interested in you. Using the flirting tips for guys mentioned above will help you with gaining the interest of a any woman and spark that chemistry that will make you totally irresistible when flirting with women.
Now do you really want to learn how to master the techniques for flirting with women? Do you want to meet, attract and seduce any woman? Do you want to learn how to get any woman no matter what you look like, how old or poor you are? Want to take control of your dating life? If you answered YES to any of these questions check out
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By Randolf Nuvo
Rabu, 18 Maret 2009
Menopause Relief - What You Need to Know to Get Relief
Menopause can be defined as a stage where the woman attends freedom from the menses, menstrual cycles or menstrual period. The term itself speaks about it as meno - menses and pause - termination or elimination or stoppage. Menopause is a end part of something called 'menarche' wherein the girl enters into the phase of menstrual cycles at the age of nearly 13-14 yr. The menarche and menopause are unavoidable phases for any girl/woman with normal physiology and anatomy.
Unfortunately, menopause brings a lot of changes in woman's life. This is because when there is a permanent cessation, the woman's body starts getting prepared for it. There could be lots of hormonal changes in woman's body and due to this, physiological and mental changes come undoubtedly. The woman may get peevish nature and there could be a lot of pain in different body areas. Menopause relief is quite possible when a woman is given with some special supplements, if she follows regular exercises and has a perfect dietary plan. They all will not only bring menopause relief but they are also good for overall wellbeing.
Menopause relief can be achieved when a woman is supplied with some vitamins especially Vitamin D and Vitamin B complex. Multivitamins may help in this way and are preferred by health care provider. On the other hand certain herbs such as Ashoka, Jeeraka, Shunthi, Lodra, Kumari, Gokshura, Sallaki, Guduchi are also reported to be good and bring menopause relief.
One can go for a single herb or can go for some formula that contains a blend of above mentioned herbs. There are lots of herbal products that contain such herbs that alleviate menopausal related symptoms and they are available in various forms such as pills, capsules, tonic (liquid), granules and even pain relieving sprays. However, before undergoing any such therapy, the woman must consult health care provider for its dosage and to learn about pros and cons in a long run.
Holistic healing experts strongly recommend woman attending menopause to go for some holistic exercises and meditation in order to get menopause relief. Holistic exercises such as yoga and Pranayama (breathing techniques) are reported to be very beneficial in treating various health ailments including menopausal issues. Aerobic exercises, jogging, morning walk and cardio exercises are also beneficial.
In mood swings, herbs such as Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Mandookparni etc are useful and can be given internally in the form of pills or capsules or even liquids. Ayurvedic special treatment such as Panchakarma is said to be very good in keeping body in harmony with its enzymes and hormones and hence is useful in achieving menopause relief. Special Ayurvedic therapy called Shirodhara is considered to be brain soothing and calming and hence can be adopted during aggressive and peevish mood phases.
Perfect diet pattern that includes lots of dark, green and leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and lots of other light edibles is preferred. On the other hand, spicy, canned, packed, junk foods and foods with preservatives are to be given up. Carbonated water and high calorie diet is restricted up to certain limit. The intake of calcium is necessary since after menopause, high supplements of calcium is required by woman's body to prevent bone related problems.
For more useful information visit Menopause Relief and Menstrual Disorder Treatment
Article Source:
By Bryan Len