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Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Choosing Day Spa Treatment for Your Beauty

Being beautiful requires so much effort. However, those efforts can be very enjoyable if you know the right place and treatment for your body and face. For example, you can find it very enjoyable when deciding to go to the day spa.

There are many kinds of spa treatment that you can choose. For example, there is face treatment that includes masks, peels, steam, exfoliation, moisturizers, and also massages. In this method the treatment is focusing n removing the dry skin from the skin’s surface, hydrate the new pores, increase the circulation of the facial muscles, and also appearing the fresh layer skin. Moreover, you can also get the body treatment spa.

In this treatment you can also get moisturizing and exfoliation since the focus of spa in on the beauty of the skin. However, there are other methods applied in this spa that cannot be found in facial treatment such as body polishes, aqua therapy, Vichy showers, and also body wraps. Actually, in aqua therapy you can get the same result like in facial treatment such as exfoliation and skin hydration. 

However in this therapy your body will be soaked in aqua jet tubs with aromatherapy oils. Meanwhile the body polishes is nearly the same as facial mask.

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Facial Spa with Fruit

Except the treatments with some fruit ingredients, Day Spa also offers treatments with natural ingredients from flowers extracts.
This treatments is very ideal to consumers who wants  to celebrating Valentine's in February and will keep fresh fragrance and celebrate the day when those affections. The smell of  flowers extracts themselves can also create a refreshing skin smooth, soft, also has a myriad of benefits to being beautiful. That's because flowers contain herbal extracts as an antidote to free radicals that can help care for beauty.

By the month of February, Day Spa provides extra care to consumers by presenting treatment options with a variety of body scrubs scent of flowers. 

Treatments offered include Javanese Rose, which is gently scrub with a grain of pomegranate extract. This treatment helps lift the skin cells die, and stimulate growth of new skin cells, and can smooth the skin.  

There are also treatments Fruit Body Masque, which is gently scrub with a grain of apricot seeds containing rice extract, mangosteen extract, Vitamin C, and anti-oxidants. This helps lift the skin cells die so stimulate new growth of skin cells, so skin looks bright, smooth and clean. The smell of jasmine essential help calm the mind and balance the emotions. 

Next is the White Tea, the soft grain scrub with a refreshing aroma and rice extract content Camellia sinensis tea-leaf-extract and panthenol. This treatment is good to help lift dead skin cells that stimulate the growth of new skin cells skin will appear smoother and toned skin stay awak. 

There are also White Hibiscus, which is gently scrub with a grain of hibiscus extract containing vitamin C can help lift the skin cells die so stimulate growth of new skin cells, brightens and smooths the skin.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Day Spa

Day Spa

From the history, day spa was first known in 1980s. There are many choices to do the day spa treatments. The purpose is the same as personal care treatments which are applied frequently. It might be no strange when services for day spa are implemented in a hotel. On the other hand, some day spas can be offered and done in airport terminals. There is also a mobile day spa service offered for the home treatments.

Day Spa Services

Generally the day spa has some services including facials, massage, waxing, body treatments, aromatherapy, chemical peels, manicures, and pedicures. These services are not so different with beauty salon. Although the treatments seem like the usual ones, the day spa has another advantage. People can feel better after doing day spa treatments.

In addition, there is a medical spa without surgery to do medical treatments. It is such a licensed health care so that people will not have to worry about. Besides the ordinary treatments, medical spa can provide other treatments which depend on the scope of licensed medical practitioners at the spa service places. Some of other treatments are laser hair removal, photo-facials, filler injections and medical peels.

Many people might get used to have day spa treatments regularly. It is common when some women visit the spa services for the treatment. However, nowadays the spa services offer the treatments for all members of the family. The day spa treatments can become the alternative way for a family to spend their holiday. The whole family can become relax as well as healthy at the same time.

Jumat, 03 April 2009

Hypnobirthing Memperlancar Persalinan

Foto: Corbis

KETENANGAN ibu menjadi kunci penting saat proses melahirkan. Metode relaksasi hypnobirthing membantu melancarkan persalinan dan meminimalisasi rasa sakit.

Hamil dan melahirkan adalah anugerah yang luar biasa bagi wanita. Sayangnya, ibu hamil (bumil) kerap dihinggapi rasa takut dan cemas akan bayangan proses melahirkan yang sulit dan menyakitkan.

Lupakan segala mimpi buruk itu, karena proses persalinan sebetulnya tidak harus melalui rasa sakit yang menakutkan. Apalagi hingga menjerit-jerit.

Seorang bumil bisa saja melahirkan tanpa rasa sakit, atau dengan rasa sakit yang minimal. Salah satu cara yang ditawarkan adalah latihan relaksasi melalui teknik yang disebut hypnobirthing.

Metode itu berakar pada ilmu hipnosis dengan metode pendekatan kejiwaan yang memberi kesempatan untuk berkonsentrasi, fokus, dan rileks. Namun, tetap dengan kesadaran sepenuhnya.

Ahli hipnoterapi dari New Hampshire AS, Marie F Mongan sebagai orang yang pertama kali mengembangkan metode tersebut. Kemudian dipatenkan menjadi "hypnobirthing".

Intinya, prosedur hypnobirthing adalah memadukan self-hypnosis dan proses kelahiran alami. Ada proses penanaman sugesti positif ke alam bawah sadar, termasuk agar rasa sakit tidak muncul. Ingatlah bahwa semua sistem rasa dikendalikan di otak.

Jika alam bawah sadar sudah diprogram supaya tubuh tidak mengirim sinyal rasa sakit ke otak, rasa sakit pun tidak muncul. Namun, saat melakukannya, individu yang bersangkutan tetap dalam kondisi sadar.

Menurut ahli hipnoterapi klinis dari Pro V Clinic Jakarta, Lanny Kuswandi, relaksasi dengan hypnobirthing terutama ditujukan untuk kesehatan janin yang akan dilahirkan. Pasalnya, banyak pasien bumil melahirkan bayi dengan kondisi autis atau bahkan infeksi HIV. "Salah satu penyebabnya adalah proses kehamilan yang penuh tekanan atau stres," ungkap alumnus Sekolah Kebidanan St Carolus ini.

Hal utama dari hypnobirthing adalah ketenangan si ibu. Dengan terbiasanya ibu berlatih relaksasi, jalan lahir untuk janin akan lebih mudah terbuka sehingga proses persalinan tidak terlalu melelahkan. Kondisi rileks juga akan mendorong pengeluaran hormon endorphin atau yang kerap disebut hormon bahagia yang membantu menghilangkan rasa takut, tegang, dan kepanikan saat melahirkan.

"Latihan relaksasi bisa dimulai pada usia kehamilan berapa pun, bahkan sejak perencanaan kehamilan," katanya.

Pada tahap awal, bumil akan dipandu ahli hipnoterapi. Penanaman afirmasi dan sugesti ke alam bawah sadar bisa dilakukan dengan cara dan media apa pun. Misalnya, mendengarkan dan mengikuti ucapan hipnoterapis, latihan fokus dengan pendulum, teknik "memanjangkan tangan" hingga ke langit-langit, atau menggerakkan tangan dengan pikiran. Boleh juga dilakukan sambil berzikir.

"Setelah terbiasa, kita gampang melakukannya sendiri di rumah," kata Evariny Andriana, penulis buku Melahirkan Tanpa Rasa Sakit dengan Metode Relaksasi Hypnobirthing.

Manfaat yang dipetik dari latihan relaksasi, ungkapnya, tidak merasa sakit saat melahirkan putranya pada 25 Januari 2006 silam, hanya rasa mulas seperti nyeri haid.

article source:

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Hamil, Lebih Nyaman dengan Hypnobirthing

MENJALANI proses kehamilan dan persalinan adalah hal yang tidak mudah bagi seorang ibu. Tak sedikit dari mereka yang menjalani proses ini dengan perjuangan yang sangat berat bahkan hingga mempertaruhkan nyawa sekalipun.

Untuk melewati proses itu, banyak hal yang perlu diperhatikan mulai dari kebutuhan fisik seperti gizi dan nutrisi hingga kebutuhan mental atau kejiwaan. Kedua kebutuhan ini harus seimbang karena berperan penting bagi setiap ibu saat melewati proses kehamilan hingga persalinan.

Satu hal yang adalah sering dilupakan tetapi sebenarnya sangat penting adalah ketenangan pikiran. Padahal, bila ketenangan jiwa dan pikiran tercapai, banyak keuntungan yang diperoleh ibu, mulai dari menghilangkan keluhan ringan seperti mual muntah dan pusing, mengurangi rasa sakit saat melahirkan, hingga pembentukan mental bayi sejak dalam kandungan.

Seperti diungkapkan clinical hypnoterapist dari ProV Clinic, Lanny Kuswandi, kondisi ketenangan pikiran pada prinsipnya menentukan kualitas kesehatan manusia di samping nutrisi. Pada ibu hamil, ketenangan pikiran juga memegang peran penting karena kondisi rileks akan memicu produksi endorfin sebagai anestesi alami yang akan menggantikan hormon pemicu rasa sakit (hormon stres).

"Endorfin itu sangat mempengaruhi ketenangan kita, sehingga bisa mengatasi rasa sakit saat persalinan. Pada masa awal kehamilan pun demikian. Memori bawah sadar kebanyakan orang menganggap hamil itu A, B, C, padahal kalau kita tenang tenang menghadapi perubahan hormonal, (keluhan) itu tidak akan menjadi masalah. Kita juga harus ingat bahwa di trimester pertama mulai pembentukan organ-organ penting," ungkap Lanny.

Untuk mencapai kondisi ketenangan pikiran, ada upaya yang bisa dilakukan para ibu yakni melakukan hypnobirthing. Istilah ini berasal dari kata hypno (dari hypnosis) dan birthing (melahirkan) yang berarti keterampilan untuk meningkatkan ketenangan pikiran guna mempersiapkan dan menjalani kehamilan hingga menghadapi persalinan dengan nyaman.

Menurut Lanny, ketenangan pikiran dirasakan juga oleh jani dalam kandungan. Hypnobirthing sebaiknya juga tidak hanya dilakukan oleh ibu saja melainkan juga dengan pasangan, karena persalinan merupakan perjalanan spiritual suami istri dan bayi.

Bentuk mental bayi
Selain membuat masa kehamilan lebih menyenangkan dan mengurangi rasa sakit saat persalinan, yang tak kalah penting dari manfaat hypnobirthing adalah membentuk mental bayi sejak dalam kandungan.

"Tujuan hypnobirthing bukan hanya melahirkan tanpa rasa sakit, tapi yang utama adalah bayi dalam kandungan. Satu kalimat yang saya pegang 'If you want to change the world, start to change a pregnant women," ungkap Lanny kepada beberapa waktu lalu.

Ia menambahkan, banyak bayi lahir normal secara fisik tetapi saat ini banyak orang tua mengeluhkan mental anaknya ketika tumbuh dewasa. "Mental ini sebenarnya bisa dibentuk sejak dalam kandungan. Bayi dalam kandungan mulai 12 minggu sudah dapat merekam apa yang dirasakan ibunya. Dan ketenangan kita akan sangat penting," terangnya.

Tercapainya kondisi rileks pada ibu, lanujut Lanny, akan membawa gelombang otak pada kondisi yang lebih tenang sehingga memungkinkan untuk berkomunikasi secara batin pada janin. Beberapa klien Lanny telah membuktikan bahwa bayi dalam kandungan ternyata dapat diminta menendang atau beraktifitas sesuai keinginan ibu hanya menggunakan kontak batin.

article source:

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Melahirkan Kini Tak Sakit Lagi dengan Hypnobirthing

Mengandung selama sembilan bulan, melahirkan, dan mempunyai anak adalah hal yang sangat dinanti-nantikan oleh seorang wanita yang telah hidup berkeluarga. Namun demikian, bagi seorang wanita khususnya ibu-ibu muda, proses persalinan seringkali merupakan sesuatu yang menakutkan. Hal ini diperparah oleh rumor-rumor yang beredar yang mengatakan bahwa proses melahirkan itu menyakitkan. Akibatnya, rasa takut yang dimiliki semakin tinggi dan menyebabkan rasa nyeri seolah lebih kuat daripada seharusnya karena dalam pikiran mereka telah tertanam bahwa proses persalinan itu menyakitkan.

Menurut ilmu kedokteran, rasa nyeri merupakan suatu hubungan kompleks antara berbagai macam faktor fisik dan psikis. Rasa takut akan menghalangi proses persalinan karena ketika tubuh manusia mendapatkan sinyal rasa takut, tubuh akan mengaktifkan pusat siaga dan pertahanan. Akibatnya, pusat mengirimkan darah ke seluruh organ yang terlibat untuk suatu proses siaga (running or fighting process). Karena rahim bukan merupakan organ yang terlibat dalam proses siaga, rahim hanya mendapatkan sedikit aliran darah sehingga rahim mengalami kekurangan aliran darah. Oleh karenanya, dapat menghalangi proses persalinan dan meningkatkan rasa nyeri serta menyebabkan waktu melahirkan menjadi lebih panjang.

Sangat diperlukan kesiapan mental dan ketenangan batin oleh ibu-ibu yang akan melahirkan secara alami. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya hubungan antara stress psikis dengan kelahiran bayi prematur.

Hypnobirthing adalah suatu bentuk terapi alternatif yang secara holistik membantu ibu untuk rileks, tenang, dan tetap dalam keadaan sadar sepenuhnya. Hypnobirthing adalah salah satu cabang dari Hypnosis. Hypnosis telah diakui oleh WHO sebagai terapi alternatif di luar Ilmu Kedokteran Barat yang sah. Hypnobirthing dilakukan oleh ibu dan pasangannya dalam keadaan relaksasi mendalam. Setelah masuk dalam keadaan relaksasi mendalam, dilakukanlah suatu penanaman sugesti ke otak mengenai hal-hal positif saat proses persalinan, misalnya bahwa proses persalinan itu tidak menyakitkan. Pada praktiknya, sang ibu diajarkan untuk memasukkan kata-kata positif ke dalam dirinya. Sang suami juga diharapkan ikut menanamkan kata-kata positif kepada istrinya. Pada awalnya ibu akan dibantu oleh terapis dalam prosesnya, selanjutnya ibu tersebut bisa melakukannya sendiri atau dengan bersama suami di rumah. Hypnobirthing dapat juga dilakukan dengan alat bantu CD (Compact Disc) rekaman suara sugesti. Kelas hypnobirthing biasanya dilakukan dalam tiga kali pertemuan, sekali seminggu dalam waktu satu setengah jam. Seorang ibu dapat mulai mengikuti kelas ini pada usia kehamilan sedini mungkin, tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan kelas ini diikuti oleh ibu yang usia kehamilannya telah diatas enam bulan.

Sebelum diakui sebagai terapi alternatif, Ilmu Kedokteran Barat sangat mengandalkan penggunaan obat-obatan dalam menghilangkan rasa nyeri selama proses persalinan. Semua obat-obatan tersebut berdifusi melalui plasenta sehingga menyebabkan efek-efek negatif pada janin. Akan tetapi, dengan adanya hypnobirthing bukan berarti menggantikan seluruh peran obat. Obat-obatan tetaplah dapat dipakai terutama bagi ibu-ibu yang mengalami nyeri sangat kuat.

Prinsip dasar metode hypnobirthing:
1. Pikiran mempengaruhi seluruh tubuh. Segala sesuatu yang dilakukan tubuh ditentukan oleh pikiran. Oleh sebab itu ketika ditanamkan suatu pandangan bahwa proses persalinan adalah suatu proses alami yang tidak menyebabkan rasa nyeri sedemikian hebatnya, maka tubuh akan mengekspresikan hanya sedikit rasa nyeri saat persalinan.
2. Rasa nyeri menghalangi proses persalinan. (Ini telah dibahas pada bagian pertama)
3. Endorfin adalah pembunuh rasa nyeri alami yang terdapat dalam tubuh. Ini bisa dihasilkan ketika tubuh dalam keadaan relaksasi.

Keuntungan hypnobirthing:
• Kondisi tenang selama kehamilan akan direkam oleh janin dan membentuk kepribadian serta kecerdasan sejak di dalam rahim
• Mengurangi rasa mual, muntah, dan pusing
• Menciptakan keadaan yang seimbang sehingga pertumbuhan fisik dan psikis bayi lebih sehat
• Memperlancar jalannya proses persalinan dan meminimalkan rasa sakit
• Meningkatkan produksi ASI
• Dapat lebih mengontrol emosi dan perasaan
• Mencegah kelelahan yang berlebih saat proses persalinan

Dengan melihat penjelasan diatas dapat dinilai bahwa terapi hypnobirthing bisa dijadikan sebagai salah satu terapi alternatif sejak dalam masa kehamilan sedini mungkin. Selain keuntungan yang diperoleh ibu dan bayinya, penggunaan terapi hypnobirthing juga memiliki keuntungan dilihat dari segi keefektifan dan keefisienannya, yaitu lebih murah dan mudah dilakukan.

article source:

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Woman’s Alimentation During Pregnancy and Nursing

The pregnancy and nursing period is characterized by a series of fundamental structural and functional changes of the maternal body: uterus enlargement, placenta formation, mammary glands increase, endocrine gland modification, blood volume increase, metabolism intensification etc.

All these changes impose the decisions taking about how to help the maternal body to go through this period without health damages for the mother or child. The alimentation plays an important role in the structure of these measures.

Research concerning a pregnant woman’s metabolism showed that the nutritive needs increase in comparison to the needs of an adult woman who is not pregnant, especially during the second period of the pregnancy and during nursing.

The caloric needs increase in the first period of pregnancy with 5-10% and in the second part the caloric needs are up to 15-20% higher. During nursing, the increase may be of 30% or of 1000 calories more than at a non-pregnant adult-woman.

The proteins need of the pregnant woman is of 1,5- 2 g/kg/day or 100g/day during the first part of pregnancy, increasing to 120g in the last pregnancy trimester and 125 g during nursing. That is why 2/3 or at least half of them will have a high biological value, first of all out of milk, dairies above all, eggs, meat and fish.

A poor proteins quota can lead to pregnancy complications: anemia, eclampsia, edemas or some fetus deficiencies, premature birth, malformations as well as different deficient states of the fetus, a greater receptivity to diseases after birth and diminished callousness. Latter on, it can also influence the quality and the quantity of the milky secretion.

Vegetal proteins from the dry vegetables (bean, pea and lentil) should be avoided as they usually contain a high degree of cellulose which renders their digestion difficult and possible postprandial distention, endured with difficulty by the pregnant woman.

The quantity of the lipids should be low as they overtax the liver’s functions and favor the acidity. That is why a small quantity, of 90 g/day, should be consumed in the first period of the pregnancy and 110g/day during nursing. Half of them will be consumed by eating vegetables, the rest through animal fats, including the fats contained by the aliments.

The quantity of glucose should be of 5—6 g/kg/day or 350—420 g/day and can increase to 500 g a day during nursing, without excesses since they can lead to obesity and diabetes. One should eat more vegetables and fruits which bring vitamins and minerals or cereals and aliments from cereals, without exaggerating the pastries consumption.

During the pregnant and nursing, the need of mineral salts, calcium, phosphor and iron, in particular, increases and since it cannot be satisfied by the usual alimentation, one should consume aliments which contain them such as: milk, dairies, eggs, meat, liver, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, etc.

The calcium and phosphor need is of 1.5 g/day in comparison to de 0,8 g/day, for the adult, non-pregnant woman, during nursing can grow up to la 2 g/day. The iron need grows from 15—16 mg/day, the necessary for the adult non-pregnant woman, to 20 mg/day during pregnancy and to 25 mg/day during nursing.

As for the sodium quantity, it should be diminished, especially in the last period of pregnancy, as it favors the edemas which may provoke complications at birth.

The need of some vitamins is higher for the pregnant woman. Thus, the thiamin need increases to 2mg/ day during pregnancy instead of 1,5 mg/day in normal conditions and to 2,3—2,5 mg/day during nursing. The riboflavin need is of 2,5 mg/day during the pregnancy instead of 2 mg/day in normal conditions, and goes up to 3—3,2 mg/during nursing. The pyridoxine need is of 5 mg/day, the PP vitamin need grows from 14- 15mg/day to 18- 20mg/ day to the pregnant woman and to 24—25 mg/day to the nursing woman. Vitamin K need is of 0,5—1 mg/day for the pregnant woman, growing especially in the last period of the pregnancy, taking into account the blood loss during the birth process. The vitamin A need is of 6 000 U.I. for the pregnant woman and of 8 000 U.I. for the nursing woman, in comparison to 5 000 U.I. for the normal woman. The necessary quantity of vitamin D is of 400 U.I. for the pregnant woman and of 500—600 U.I. for the nursing woman. This can be provided by aliments (dairies) but also by sun exposure during summer. Vitamin E, necessary especially during pregnancy, as it favors the normal growth of the embryo, is necessary in quantities of 10—12 mg/day, being provided by the consumption of vegetal oil, eggs, meat, germinative cereals. Vitamin C, whose necessary quantity grows from 50—55 mg/day, the quantity for normal women, to 100 mg/ day for the pregnant woman and to 130 —150 mg/day for the nursing woman, will be provided through the consumption of fresh aliments of vegetal origin (fruits and green vegetables). Vitamins from the group B will be provided especially by bread, meat, milk, eggs, green vegetables, and the vitamin A by dairies, eggs, fish as well as some fresh vegetables which bring it as carotene, which will convert in organism in active vitamin.

All nutritive needs of the pregnant or nursing woman will be ensured by the consumption of the aliments from the main groups.

The quantity of meat and meat products consumed daily will be of 200—250 g/day, the milk quantity is 600- 1000ml/ day, the cheeses quantity should be around 50g/ day, and at least one egg everyday. The alimentary fats will be provided through: 20g butter a day, 20-25 g oil a day. Out of the aliments of vegetal origin, rye bread will be preferred (brings more vitamins and minerals and doesn’t provoke constipation) 250—350 g/day, 30- 40g/day pastries or other cereal products, 400—500 g/day vegetables and 250—300 g/day potatoes. The quantity of fruits can be of 350—400 g/day, fresh or stewed, cooked, and sugar daily quantity should be around 40—50 g/day.

Alimentation should be sufficient qualitative and quantitative, no excesses, it should vary and the aliments as fresh as possible. It is advisable to have frequent and reduced meals, especially in the first period of the pregnancy when the dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting) can affect nourishment. Avoid fatty, spicy, salty aliments, smoked meat, fish or meat preserves, alcohol and coffee. They usually irritate the digestive mucosa with hypersecretion of gastric juice. If endured, occasionally, are allowed small quantities of wine with soda or coffee, without making any excess or converting it into a rule.

Aliments with fried sauces or fried in fats, are not recommended for the pregnant or nursing woman.

The weight gain will be closely followed. It should be almost inexistent in the first months of pregnancy, than it will increase with 1.5 kg/month in the last 6 months, taking care that the weight gain won’t exceed 10 kg during the entire pregnancy.

During travail all kinds of aliments are forbidden. After birth should be consumed fortifying easily digestible and stimulant aliments: natural coffee, coffee with milk, vegetable sauce, meat sauce, eggs, fruit juices, etc. Starting with the third day after birth, the diet recommended for the nursing woman will start.

The nursing woman, beside the mentioned elements, should be aware that some of the substances can reach the milk, giving a bad taste or provoking digestive disorders to the baby, which is why they should be avoided. These are: onion, garlic, alcohol, which can also provoke nervosity, agitation, insomnia, explained by the excitability growth of the nervous system of the infant.

The pregnant woman as well as the nursing woman should respect a set of rules regarding the alimentation hygiene, absolutely necessary such as: respect the meals hours, a good repartition of calories for each meal… With respect to this aspect, we already mentioned that it is preferable to have more meals and less consistent, in order to be better assimilated by the body. Mastication will be lent and long. Avoid any kind of emotions during meals and take a postprandial pause.

Try, if possible, not to change the pregnant woman’s alimentary customs, if they aren’t too different from the rational alimentation limits. One won’t impose useless interdictions or excesses which can damage the nutritive factors contribution, such as salt diet or minerals and vitamins intake in excess.

Keep the optimal proportion between the nutritive factors as it has a positive influence over the absorption and their utilization.

If the pregnant woman presents nutritional disequilibrium, they will be taken into account, trying to correct them.

When the pregnant woman has a job which solicit her physically and psychically, the nutritive contribution will be adjust according to her need which surpass the usual values for a sedentary pregnant woman or for one who makes little effort.

It is also very important if the pregnant woman is an adolescent. Because of the growing needs from this period, the pregnant adolescent’s ratio will be increased in calories and nutritive factors, in order to cover the needs of the adolescent’s growing body.

About the Author:

Nutrition articlesand all informations that you need for a healthy life.

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Author: cristi ion

Flirting - Body Language Tips For Men

Flirting body language is an important part of understanding the way a woman is feeling for you and it is also a way to show how much you like that special someone. There are many flirting body language tips for men that you MUST know. These tips will help you land the next woman of your dreams. Below are flirting body language tips for men:

1. Have Physical Contact with Your New Woman

One of the most important aspects of flirting is to be able to have physical contact with your new woman and have her enjoy it and want to do it back. Holding a woman's hand is one of the best ways to have physical contact. This is an excellent use of body language to show to your new woman that you really like her. If she is willing to hold your hand back, you definitely know she is interested in you also.

2. Make Her Laugh

Another important flirting body language technique and tip for men is to make the woman laugh as the last impression. Women love guys that can make them laugh and if you can make your new woman laugh, she will be keeping you for a very very long time. Laughter is an important part of any relationship and woman truly appreciate a guy that can make her laugh. It is one of the simplest flirting body language techniques, yet one of the most effective.

3. Text Messages

One of the best flirting mechanisms in today's society is being able to flirt via a text message. Text messaging is one of the best ways to flirt with women and the great part about text messaging is that you have plenty of time to come up with the perfect text message to say to that specific girl. You have plenty of time to think about what to say to make your woman smile. If you can get her smiling in a text message, you can get her smiling in person.

Again, flirting body language is an important way to show that special girl that you really care about them and like them. Using the right techniques is extremely important because using the wrong ones can turn your future girlfriend/wife away and cause you to lose them forever. Getting the woman you like to smile is one of the most important factors to any healthy relationship. If you can leave for the evening after the date with your new woman smiling, she is definitely going to want to go out on a second date with you. Remember, be yourself also. Don't try to be someone your not and if things get serious you are going to have to act like that the ENTIRE relationship. Your new woman might like the FAKE you and not the true you. It is best to be honest at all times while trying to keep a smile on your woman's face. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you have enjoyed this article!

About the Author:
Ready to learn flirting body language tips for men? These secret methods are specific for men and have been proven to work! Go to now!

Article Source:

Author: J. Rock

Dressing for Your Body Type

Every woman deserves to feel beautiful in a dress; but not every woman looks like a runway model. Whether you have short legs, curvy hips, a straight waist, a flat chest or whatever your body type may be, the guidelines below can help you determine what your body type is and how to find the most flattering, stylish clothing for your body.

The “hourglass” body type: beautifully curvy. You have broad shoulders and/or a voluptuous chest, a smaller waist and gorgeous full hips.

· Style icon: Marilyn Monroe

· Style tips: Look for pieces that accentuate your curves and have a fitted waist. Fitted

· Clothing, Strait skirts and belted waists are best for you.

The “apple” body type: lovely limbs. You have thinner legs and arms, accompanied by fullness through the ribs and stomach.

· Style icon: Catherine Zeta-Jones

· Style tips: Look for clothing that accentuates your legs and arms.

· Clothing Loose-fitting waists, empire waists, short sleeves and knee-length skirts are best for you.

The “pear” body type: wonderous waist. You have a thin waist, narrow ribs and shoulders, with full, womanly hips.

· Style icon: Beyonce

· Style tips: Look for clothing with wide collars and details around the bust to balance your lower body.

· Clothing: A-line skirts, flared skirts, fitted waists and belts worn at waistline are best for you.

The “pencil” body type: wonderfully willowy. You are thin, with a straight waist and narrow shoulders and hips.

· Style icon: Audrey Hepburn

· Style tips: Look for clothing with detail at the bust and hips.

· Clothing: Puff sleeves, full skirts, ruching at hips and belts at waist give the appearance of a curvier figure.

The “womanly” body type: ultra feminine. You have a fullness through your core, arms and legs.

· Style icon: Queen Latifah

· Style tips: Look for clothing that draws attention to your face and elongates your silhouette.

· Clothing: Vertical stripes, collars and details at the neck, dark colors, flared skirts and well-fitted clothing are best for you.

The “athletic” body type: fantastically fit. You have broad shoulders, muscular legs and arms, and a flat stomach.

· Style icon: Venus Williams

· Style tips: Look for fitted clothing and clothing that drapes well over muscular figures.

· Clothing: Fabrics with stretch, knee length skirts and feminine details like puff sleeves and ruffles are best for you.

Being ‘short’ or ‘tall’ doesn’t determine your body type (e.g. you could be short and “curvy” or tall and “pear”) but you should approach your wardrobe differently. Here are a few tips in how to dress for your height.

If you are short: you are perfectly petite. You are smaller than the average woman.

· Style icon: Natalie Wood

· Style tips: Look for clothing that lengthens your silhouette.

· Clothing: Vertical stripes, solid colors, fitted clothing and empire waists are best for you.

If you are tall: you are superbly statuesque. You are taller than the average woman.

· Style icon: Katherine Hepburn

· Style tips: Look for clothing with belts or ties at the waist to break up silhouette.

· Clothing: Your height is complimented with patterns and feminine details such as ruffles and sashes.

About the Author:

This article is co-authored by Athelia Woolley and Emily McCormick , the founders of Shabby Apple. Shabby Apple offers women's dresses and girl's dresses - dresses that make dressing simple. Check out the Fit-to-Flatter tool to help you find the perfect fit in a dress.

Article Source:

Author: Emily McCormick

Giving Body Massage - How To Make Your Special Woman Feel Great

While typical men may think there's nothing better they'd like than having a wife's ministering touches, there is more to building intimacy in a relationship than simply love-making; yes, a massage is just as good as a hug that denotes all the love one feels without any undue pressure for sex. It is a joyful and stress-relieving activity that is highly recommended by experts who feel that building a relationship requires trust and to generate that in a woman, a man must learn techniques that make her feel relaxed, at ease with him and her body without any sexual advances feared.

The importance of a massage cannot be stressed enough in a loving relationship as the smallest tactile movements enable a child to know safety in a mothers' arms, so the lover feels warm and cherished when treated to tender and nourishing body massage that stretches the single touch to many more. Many women may have been physically abused in the past or suffered a recent trauma or just be basically shy to invite a massage readily but it is up to the man in her life to convince her of his intentions in wanting to do something special for she is special – and out of the bed, too.

The first step is to make a woman feel comfortable in your presence and help her relax so she is certain it will lead to bigger things; this is especially important for women with a troubled past who can end up losing out on their trust if pressed into sexual intimacy after a massage session for the sake of it.

Do it without expecting payment in kind and convince your woman it is for her sake that you are offering the body massage and while it is likely you will be aroused by the activity, clothe yourself properly to avoid showing any signs of the same.

You can begin by preparing a bath for your woman, then lying her down on a clean towel or soft blanket on the floor instead of a bed, since the surface of a massage point needs to be firm. Put a pillow each below her head and shins and if you are not using pre-warmed, lightly-scented oil; you can cup some in your hands to transfer some body-heat to it before you begin by working on her shoulders and down her back, using slow strokes.

Pay close attention to any body parts that feel tense or stiff to your touch and ask where she hurts (if applicable) and work on those especially before moving to her thighs, legs and feet that need to be worked in circular motions before repeating the movements upwards again.

Avoid massaging private parts as you want her to relax and do not stare; work on her breasts only upon being given permission. Massage hands and face with a gentle touch and let her know in words how special she is – restrain your own needs, let it be her day, today!

About the Author:

Abhishek is a Massage Therapy expert and he has got some great Massage Therapy Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 70 Pages Ebook, "Massage Therapy For Complete Body Relaxation" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

Article Source:

Author: Abhishek Agarwal